Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
E hate her :( kidding My best fraaannd
Naaah probably wouldn't work! :|
You can get money from love :)
Live this lie. ❤️
There are so many!! But meals is probably off my chart!!
Actually a few minutes ago. (:
Start the converstAton first
This question.
I would pick up the person and be like "best pick up line ever"
Anon pulling the questions! ;)
❤️❤️ Amaze balls ❤️
If this is about the favourite year 9 boys I haveng got to know that many k.
Shhhhhhaaaaauuuuunnnnn the sheeeeeeppp
Taylor Henderson ❤️
Love being called DARC ❤️ But my friends and family call me Darchole
Scroll down.
I was freezing !!
Bliss N Eso
Bad fashion, bad hair, bad smell
Whaaaaaaaat! Whhhhhy? :( sugar cherry
Bit old to judge But the ones I know are **********,*******
❤️❤️❤️Your amazing ❤️❤️
You don't know us.
DONT DO THIS TO ME, there both amazing But I'd probably pick Jacob. :) shhh
There so yummmmmmmy so burger ring burger rings
Trent: Know one: yes Kissed: no Hug: no Like: no Bradley Know: yes Kiss: no Hug:no Like: no Jacob Know: YES! Kissed: no Hug: YES like: YES
That makes one of us
In a crowded place :)
I'm actually so cold at the moment !!
If he is smiling that always makes me happy
Awwwwhhhhh, I love you to anon ❤️
Oh you know , a pile of nothing
**** em all, and don't act your age.
Nothing were just friends
7- jack, Riley, Mitch, think that's about it? 8- actually don't hang around them but Preston seems nice ?
I have no IDea.
Rachel, layne, Jemma, Abby, and more Who's this?
Stop looking
There's 2 My dog because she was my best friend My nephews- because they are such lil cuties!
Jessica Alba's birthday!!! :)
Anon pulling the questions! :)
Pushing yourself toward something then succeeding at that thing.
Inbox me and you'll know
Boy- probably jack he is pretty amazing Girl- there's a few :)
Already have one ❤️<3
Yep sure ;)
Inbox me
Ohhh not to sure :) Hahahahahahah
Got a few bruises actually :/
A boys sleepy voice is seriously ****ing so *exy.
*exy imagination ;)
Funny :) I fall inlove with funny guys, oh and has to smell nice too! :))
You can be addicted to a certain kind of sadness ;) Did ya piss yourself?
8- liv, Mel, ruby, Emily, heaps more! 9- Emily!, meg, phoebe, liv, Ellen, probably a couple others :)
Sure anon, :) xo
Steph Bradshaw you sick *****! , love ya nigga your very pretty have a very great body and so nice
You are pretty amazing aye, your very pretty and your laugh is perf
Jordaaaaaaaan! :)
Obvs an 11
Awh, Chelsea hall ❤️❤️
Zarsbar! I love her she is deadset amazing persooooooooon and she is very cute with musti! :) x
Don't really know that many but, Olivia, ness, ahayla, ruby, em, , Millie, Mel, and others but they don't come to mind
Chels hall, Charlee k, zarsbar, meals, practically everyone in my group! ❤️
Not to sure :)
Aw! Thankyou means heaps! Come off anon or inbox me! :) xoxo
People do like me mate, take a look in the mirror and as for the name, thanks very much :) xx
Thanks for the tip but no Thankyou. :)
You first.
I like your face.. :) xo
Ily 2! Jooooordaaaan! :)
Uh, there's a few, but probably my dog died..
My cat. That's wrong.
I know who you are!
I know who you are!
Patrick ✅
I may not like you.