Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Still work because I would still be bored as **** and the world wouldn't run if no one worked.
No thanks. I'll be right. Here is a tip too: never get involved in another persons life when you obviously have no idea.
Years and years of practice.
No mr anon we may not.
Umm ha thanks but no thank you.
I'm not saying.
Being myself.
I'm happy.
It's just a fear!
Not being good enough. !!
He is lucky! But I think I'm more lucky. Basically.
'Getting with Ash, That boy is my life!
that was the question yes
hmm.. boy or girl?
Play hide and seek at kids town at night.
Sure! You ask first!
Well. You just made the panties drop.
Because I was over it. Underpaid, some managers where ****heads. Not enough hours. Didn't get treated right. So yeah. There is more too it but not raging.
Thank you kind stranger.
Because. It depends on the person. If I don't want to talk to them I don't reply hoping they get the hint.
Thanks. Just rough patches.
Excuse me?
Inbox me whoever you are now.