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oh snap!who are u??please write on my fb wall
oh please shurr!ur writin looks like ur caps is havin a seizure..better yet chicken scratch...u just scared coz my lyrics i drop r heavy naw handle that
Gospel..but dnt expect a cliche
Yes..very...i dnt like the term career.2strong.maybe 'run' or 'stint'
who are you.?..u write like a girl though,therefore u are 1...and if ur nt.consider it a ive startd lol
U googled!bwahaha
Haha yea u do..coz ALL OF THE LIGHTS dnt have that much POWER to reveal how HEARTLESS u r
secular or gospel?
U full of Twisted Dark Fantasies Sharon Kadangwe lol
asa..Nthawizina yah..but usually am right.
uv asked a
Am suposd2 be coming bak 2nd sem..coz i withdrew halfway thru the academic year for reasns am nt sayn n public.
B4 Chanco:Livingstonia Uni,New Horizons, High School:Joyce Banda
When we we print them.After we raise money..after u buy the CD's..and u help us promote lol
haha.idk whom u talkabout..i assume ths could b 1of2 people im thnkng but only if i actualy knew who u tawkn bwt
haha.kodi who is this? works vice versa
Smtyms it does hurt but Its part of the cost of discipleship..quote Luke9:23...My love for Him exceeds the desire2 be famous
yes it would lol
What meanith this?i would nt have gotten with her if i didnt have my eye on her
Haha.Dali tha Bless ofcourse hahahaha
Eya lol.pretty cool dude who rocks skinny jeans like me..and even has a name lyk mine
It was one way to express my writing gift..(i write stories)..uhm nt realy but Mybigbro,Aykay&FAWM fand the flame4the love of music.&Rap much
Lol.she knows where to find me.;). K am done.bae
Never!!mismatched once in my teens lol.torn never.i thnk i knw who ths is
is she about to call it a night?
is she missing me?hehe
i wouldnt miss this show for squat!!@mynameispro mostly hehehehe
@dchase116 his attitude ..certain thns in common
@tedashii kingdom people grew me @mynameispro like his lyrical prowess+has antiswag attitude<<influencesme/smthng in common
Erm honestly both.....twitter has its limits+shortfalls
Person: Mary.....item: bible/Bible because man will nt live on bread rather get to knw His will b4 .maryLOL
Bae......tea has swagg..
rarely...but i get a bun more often
Skinny jeans and a striped golfshirt
i pull a rubberband....kidding i mostly practice patience..i wnt say..but if its 2much il just ignore u.if i cnt my last resort is2tell u u mesd up
it depends where and from whom its coming specific
i was having breakfast..bae??
im not certain.2many
some1 stole it..:(
no i cant
clearly u are zikani that a typo?no an yes
Mary mwana wa Matekenya..uyu.#phuma
It depends when you heard this..and from whom and how many
high cut shoes,black skinny Punk tee with graffiti.a black top..and a spiked cuff(i wish i had sm of those in ths list)yea!
On lunch yeah..and in a restaurant.
Yes..but if he can keep a mature conversation with her..i thnk so
I dont think i have..yeah.right..
i'm a Fanta person..but why does this feel like a trick question?
inbox tell u..
well yes *grinface* lol
Errm u are dancing.. how does that have2 do with me??
alryt..there is no exception..yes i have......still do
hahaha.ok i just did.'THERE'.lol
eating .u?lol
Yes i have..thats my assuming u mean it depends on what the person is dealin with
idk wat that means not a fan of puts me off.. but not out of legalism...but when it comes to appreciatin talent &good sound i do...
Actually Its an effective method of deliverance
Marytu uyu. Zed pa skinnies.Yes and u should know
ID PUNCH HIM.THEN CHAIN HIM TO THE BACK OF A CAR.AND DRIVE AT 120KM/PH on the roads of Manja Chimwankhunda
Calling the airtel call center pretending am Mary's husband so we could get her credit back lol
Yes i think his hot
Mwayambapotu..Disclaimer:i wont answer personal questions matter the implications!
That everythng should be perfect..
Kondwani Phanga
i am not..its been registering me as so and its bothering me coz am getn 2many IMs
Yes i'm born again!!so SAVED u can put me in a BANK!lol
Am no good at that.but i usually dont let girls get that comfortable with me.Plus am hooked
Haha.sounds like some1 from 1Lord records.i didnt chose Btown..but i cant complain either lol.
Nothing but i get to more souls reward is in heaven..i try not think about it
So many i usually dont care..trivial things though
Mary Matekenya
Funny Benevolant Amazing