Sheellllly sickest ***** hahaha love chilling with ya good class mate and good to talk too!! Always there for ya
Shemmma your an awesome chick love ya lots love talking to you!!! Should do something soon :)))
Tbh soooo nice only talked a little would really like to get closer hot asf haha good to talk to when we do!
Your really nice, good to talk to and funny
Are you and brodie back together?
Some people are so rude! Leave David alone, and Brodie also. Neither of them need it, find something better to do with your time!!
Your nice good to talk to and to be with
David, you are such a bright kid, and so attractive and I don't think you should go out with Brodie, because she will just hurt you. Sorry..
Thanks but I choose who I date
It's Obvious You Like Jemma. Ha Well I Heard You Have A Small ****
I don't, and tbh I honestly don't give a ****
R u tuning jemma leitch?
No? And it's none of your concern anyway
Your really nice and super sweet your hot, and we have been talking heaps :) and your an all round mint chuck
favorite yr 8 girls
name 5
JemmA, Paige, emmaline, tori, that's all
What have you lied about lately ?
ur a dog and you don't deserve to live
Thanks bruh
Who are you dating?
David, you really need to cheer up. Life is actually so good if you see the positive sides of things. You're a great guy, smile.
I try to
since I didn't actually go to sleep :) xxjemmaxx
Funny great person only decent girl in our class umm yeah
Why have you changed so much?
Why are you so depressed now?
I ask myself that too
dude I don't want to tell you this to your face because it will probably make you feel awkward but your girlfriend is ugly as **** sorry man
Haha your a f u c k wit
She beautiful actually!!
Does Emma brooks actually live with you?
I have been I love with her since I was in 8!
Lucky ****.
True, inbox her and tell her that
6 coolest chicks in year 8
And 6 coolest dudes in year 8
Mikayla, emmaline, Monica, tori, jemma, Paige
Harvey, Jarrod, Hugo, izaak,jack tricky, angus, jack Marshall
Leave my guy alone, geez.
Go find something better to do, clearly you have a boring life brodie.mg
David is cool leave him alone :) xxjemmaxx
Thanks Bro!
you should run away and be your own 'individual' your simply a **** human, you dont even deserve friends you dog ****.
Thanks brah
Idk why but I have a feeling you and brodie will be together for ages, yous are so cute
I want to stay with her for agers!
I'll tell you who I am tomorrow :p
No no I'm being serious your rad!
Oh true thanks , inbox me?
F.uck off. If anything you're the one who needs to grow up, not David. Don't see how he is a wannabe, just go away. Pls&ty. brodie.mg
Thanks bub love you
Your literally the nicest guy out I have so so so much respect for you!
Thanks, cant tell if your being legit
Your such a wannabe. Grow up and realise impressing your mates is the least of your worries. Okaiiiii?okai.
Fek off
Um what? Can people stop trying to start pointless arguments between David and I please? Just grow up and find something better to do. Leave our relationship alone! brodie.mg
no ****!! I love you
I'm adopting a white African
that even possiable
Thoughts on Chloe Taylor?
shes alright I guess?
Wtf you cheated on Brodie with Katjia AND Jemma
Are you ****ing serious grow up ****
You never change your profile picture
I change it heaps man
Your nice super weird can be annoying :)
Used to be close
You're the rudest **** ever. Grow up and stop calling almost every female a "slurry" its so disgusting.
***** dog :)
How many kids do you want to have?
1 and a half ;)
holy f u c k ! wow people these days omg xxjemmaxx
No ****!!
If you like jemma just own up to it, dont drag brodie along just for the fun of it cause youll hurt her
I don't like jemma anyway so no one has to worry
David treats Emma so nice, he's actually never rude to her. Yeah they have their arguments but ****, give him a breaaak. Shutup and leave him alone ya poofters brodie.mg
Thanks brodie
Hahahahahaha you ride scooters bahahahahaha ride a skateboard dummy
I do ride skateboards
leave david the **** alone omg xxjemmaxx
Thanks Jem jem
Excuse me I give Emma all my respect
What pisses you off the most?
Your a sicko and a cool Kat so nice same class and yeah (yrah)
Easily the biggest **** and I hope you get your teeth kicked down your throat for the way you treat y'all friends. Emma ain't ever done **** to you but your still a fcking jerk ayye
****ing of count your tough as **** sitting behind a keyboard ante!!! I treat my friends how I want to be treated so shut your face count!
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
Web slider
Your the weirdest person I know in a good way your so funny you don't give a ****ing about anything haha super nice and good to be around
What annoys you more than anything indiafox
Your mums a hotti
Aw trueee
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Leave David alone, he still adores Emma. It's not up to any of you's who he chooses to be friends with. People drift and change, it has nothing to do with you's.
Aw thanks :)
Wtf can every one stop commenting on how david treats me. He isnt a tool and doesnt dog me. Its nobodys business anyway so kindly **** off please. Emma.Pearce
Thank you :)
your such a tool man. emma is rad and you need to realise that.
Shut up **** its not your life
You actually have the best eyes, their perfect.
Awwhhh why thank you
Blonde hair or brown hair?
Leave David alone!
He hasn't replaced anyone? People drift sometimes, not his fault? Stop, you make yourselfs look yuck.
Awhh!!!! Thanks
Everyone leave David the **** alone! people change, they grow up? That doesn't give you a reason to do this? He hasn't replaced Emmaline, i can you right now. He loves her, she means a lot to him. So back off and shut you'r pathetic mouths.
Awh thanks heaps you said everything I was trying to say
dude not being mean or anything but i agree with the guy sayng your dog to emma p you replacd her with jemma leeitch and brodie grogan.. im surprised she even cares about you anyymore.tbbh
I didnt reolace her with jemma I can have other feeidns and brodie is my girl friend where emma is my bestfriend tgeres a difference!!
fkn hell youve vhanged for the worst. hah u used to be actual nice.
Everyone changes but not everyone likes it
I'm adopting an African
You doo that
serious im only on anon cause i dont have a account you****. fkn grow up and give people repespect especially emma p who cares ok ****.
**** you you dont even know whats going on were fine at the moememt if she has a problem she woukd tell me
How long would you like to live for?
for ever
It's funny you say Emma p is your best friend but you are such a dog to her you use to be good to her not no more just saying
**** you hiding behind a computer screen you dont even know :')
Tbh on monique jemma emma c and emma pearce
monique- dont really know her that much seems nice jemma- shes super nice good to tak too and funny emma c- really nice dont talk much anymore emma p- bestfriend always there for me :)
5 best people In your life atm
Brodie emmaline jemma harvey hugo
Who would you take a bullet for?
brodie<3, emmaline and family.
Thoughts on Emmaline,Emma chalk Paige, Brodie, and Monique and jayde and mickayla.
Soz for all the names.
kayla i dont know monique shes alright i guess jayde dont even know her
paige super nice good to be with good to be around emma chalk shes really nice madd chick to be with really pretty.
emmaline she amazing love her to bits such a good friend super pretty i miss abit though. Brodie: love her so much never stop thinking about her so fun to be with and around shes everything to me cbf writting heaps.
Thoughts on Brodie
She is everything to me, I love her soo much shes just amazimg im gonna stop therw to much yo write ;)
Tbh paigehehe
Really nice super funny good to talk to and good to be with
Did u and Brodie brake up
No whys that
How was your first kiss like ?
I don't know can't really remember
brodie told me what you did.
True what did I do ??
i love you just dont want you to know who am
Should deffs inbox!!??
Ha gay
Who do you miss right now?
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
hats and shoes
What bores you about people ?
when there not funn
Your father's name?
Harvey jones
Your source of happiness?
Please don't get snake bites. I'd kiss you with your lip piercing but lip bites is going to far
Who is this
Wanna s*ck for 60cents?
Nah I'll be right..
I'd **** you
i'd **** me too ;)
A song that you've over played?
man of the year by schoolboy Q
2 most fave girls ever
brodie :* and emmaline :)
Who makes you happy?
Something you will never be good at?