I feel sorry for dayne now. Leave him alone guys. Lool
Sorry man it was just a joke Sherridan
Whatever just forget about it
Is it possible to grow cheese?
Why °̩ don\'t know .... I\'ve grown pickles, jelly, markers, pelicans and tap shoes !!!!! °̩\'ll ask my cheese farmer
Good answer but I've seen u to hanging out
Then ur a blind stalker
Why do u hang out with sherridan when he is such an as*hole
That\'s the thing °̩ don\'t hang out with him.
Dayne do you consider sherridan to be a good friend
No cuz he thinks I\'m gay
Dayne why did u love Robyn
Dayne why do you love Khyathi?
Not funny sherridan !!!!! She\'s a kick as* friend
For some1 who's smart you are f***ing DUMB
How don\'t crazy London fans see you wen you stroll through London
Wow. So it just not me who thinks ur a f**. This comment came from some1 who goes to skwl with u. Just thought I should give u a hint
The 1st one u replied to wasn't me u as*. And I usually say f*** YOU or something like that and I don't leave out letters in my swearing Bit**
Who is this
The gay and f***** commets weren't from me this time :/ I'm actually becoming nicer ;) SavannaeJones
Yes and I\'m becoming toned
Why are you such a f***ing f*****?
Savannae not funny
You're in charge of buying Oros & Jiggies ;) See you next weekend at your museum ;) oh wait.. You're not invited. :|
Oh w8 ur not either
Dayne that gay one wasn't me :P from Milan
Yes and °̩ have a 6 pack #sure
Have you had se* before!???
Ummmmmm yeah. Last year
Whens the jol? ;)
When do u want it to be
Why are you so gay ?
This is Savannae or Milan !!! Why are you so gay ?!?!? Only gays call other people gay
Who are you dating and why?
°̩ am dating bed at the moment !!!! Why ?!? Cuz he\'s cuddly.
Brah this sd man , nw i cAn hate on ur prson without u knwing which Bit** I si
This is Sherridan