I thought we had something. She met my family, brought me dinner, called me honey. Now all of a sudden she's a "waitress just doing her job".
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More money then I would know what to do with. So I could make everyone who's suffering in their life a little easier.
I miss who I used to be.
A girl who can be herself.
A waste of money. Is giving money to the poor. Never give money to people. Give them exactly what they ask for and if they're asking for money. Ask them what they are going to do with that money. People have hidden agendas. Be weary of who you give money to.
Only in my spirits.
Making my way down town, walking fast, faces pass and I'm home now. ?
I showed your girlfriend how I finish a yogurt, and now she's my girlfriend. ?
I really wish that you could help, but my head is like a carousel and I am going around in circles. Honestly, I have no idea how to answer that. ?
Questioning my existence. Hoping to come up with a suitable answer to reassure myself. That there is purpose in all I do.
I hope you're like crust.
I like writing poetry.
Special delivery!
I regret not knowing who is asking this...
I have various interest. They cannot be limited to a single occupation. I have many things I view as a dream job. Things I wish I could do that others already do.