What should people stop buying?
Dood maak goed ??
The best slayer I have ever seen, she's pretty and soon to be mine ???
"She wys do you smaak me , I wys her no nagani , I only smaak my bed and my taanie tamaafie" Yogirldestiny
Kak naai u wanna keep you gevaarlik. ?
Awe sure??
She asked do you love her
You tell her only partly
You only loved your bed and your momma
And now you sorry ?
Don't do relationships?
Baby just pull my knickers down and let that mini sausage do its work I know I won't feel it but baby you so gentle
Lol okay? ?????
Why you look like vegita supersayan?
Why won't you say that in my face?
Oh sorry, you scared to dala ??
You such a corky nai,wanna be
Wanna be what?
Ayyee diggy
Ey my nigga.....
Relationship status ?
Dm me ☺️
Why don't you wanna send kyle's number ??
Lol I know who's this*
Tarryn daniels?
Sister ??
What is the smartest thing you've ever done?
A lot of things
How many pairs of shoes do you own?
6 pairs
Who did you kiss last ?
A girl in my school