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snapchat dog filters -_-
She met me ;)
I have? what way?
Aww I don't know what to say :')
Mac And Cheese
Love you too (0.0)
Mommy :P
You're sitting in the next room you could ask mr this in person
Insomnia ....Just insomnia
Yes Jared I am
I don't know
Dragon ball z evolution
You know her name
Whoever asked this question ;)
Any colour as long as its a skyline
I forgot :(
The Joker
Idk but I would be pretty rich....I fall a lot
There's a lot of small things I would like to change
Spiderman....coz of his sarcasm
Stupid Love by Jason Derulo
I'm 17 :|
People who are too involved in themselves
Lol that depends "high" are you?
My Mother
Nothing :)
I'm stuck here between choosing jordache or jared ...coz we've done most of the stuff together its like equal
I've been getting pimples recently ....not sure what the cause of it is yet
No I'm not a tube laaitie like u
Only a cake like uu would think that's possible
There's many ...dreams are endless
Yes I do but I like the vienna more
Well I'll be a cu***ber since uu call me that :P
You still can't sing x_x
I don't like herbs bruh
Me ofcourse ;)
I don't know
I'm not sure *Pensive*
Lol that vest is actually normal size it only looks big coz im lying down -_- ...and no =)) i dont think im *exy :|
I dont think im handsome....A person should not be judged or rated on the way they look :]y
Nope not at all...
Yes Ashnee i love pandas (0.0)
Rate myself in what way?
Honestly i would have like 7 Mikhail Darren Ashley Jared Trevino Jordy and Jesse
Key word there being "IF"
That information is classified =))
Lol yes ofcoz (0.0)
Its fun
Ariana Grande :P
To keep my mom happy :)
I got a really bad habit of laughing during awkward moments x_x
For themselves ofcoz...a woman must feel comfortable in what shes wearing...and her should accept her like that...simply put
Just answered 1 like this before
Cant mention her name :P..sorry
Depends on who the person is firstly...looks are not a major factor...personality if i like their personality...then maybe...but then again a crush is more infatuation than anything else so idk
Well My explanation of life is described perfectly in this quote : Life is a it. Life is a it. Life is a dream...realize it. Life is a sacrifice...offer it. Life is love...enjoy it.
Its usually prank calls
That is a really stupid question
Da hell?
Bad - David Guetta ft Showtek and Vassy
Currently its Mein tera hero....that hindi one But overall i would say the fast and furious collection
The ability to turn super saiyan
Well firstly you should know that im a i would say...Mac n cheese :P
Well my friends are my family tooo so ...i cant really say .....and im equally close to awl of them im.not sure
Well good looks run in the family:P...and why dont u ask him dat lol?
Being awesome
To see my dad one more time
Lol Illeana d'cruz :P
Yeah i doooo....:P
Definately personality .....i can not get along with a girl with a bad personality...its like talking to a brick wall....Looks are not everything is from within (y) ;)
1.Being Awesome 2.Playing thunee 3.Spending time with friends and family 4.Soccer 5.BBMing and alot of other stuff lol :P
I donr really have a type ....but if i did dont think i would be able to describe her in words :]Y
I dont know :]Y ....But they became much less scarier after Taylor Lautnet began acting as one =))
Being epic
My mom
Lol im not sure huh:) ...but if they do i would probably want one as a pet x_x
I was born awesome :)
Lol yeah sueri u tell em i know itz uuu ...ur name is like der
Lol shes my friend this sueyanka :P