Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
From this question, I've seen revolution.
I'd remove the idea of God. People are way too clouded by the notion of God that they don't really see what's happening in the world and around them. A lot of people are suffering because of "god"
I personally believe that Money can buy happiness.
Yeah I actually would. I'm an attention ***** ?.
I just be myself with everyone. When I walk into a room people need to know I'm there. They can choose to like me or not. I treat everyone with the same respect. It's there choice how they want to behave. I won't lower my manners because of them.
I'm a series junkie. I watch so many series so I can't say I have a favorite but I do love GOT
Yeah ii really lke it :D. ii watched it in 3D when it came out :o And there was only 5 people in there :o
Thank You :P xx
Ask Your Mom ;;)
ii Really Do Love Photography So I'd Take The Job plus ii really do love Money :P
Firstly ii Have Nothing that people would want ... Secondly ii do Think if they're Jealous they think I'm better than them.
My Friend Akshar , Yeah he's α Guy X_x But he Does It Really Well.
So Yσυ Ask "Wнατ is α Thumbie?" It's simple. Α Thumbie is α Person who hαs extremely Bad Manners. Α Thumbies has α Fake Gold Tooth, Talks Iη α Bad Indian Accent , has too Much oƒ Gel Iη his Hair. Α Thumbie Goes to Thε Beach and Swims Wiiƚh Boxer Shorts , Uses A lot oƒ Slang , Ensures Thαt They Hαvε Name Brand Clothing Wiiƚh Bright White Shoes, They occasionally try to Rock thε White Jeans from time to time. Thumbies are sometimes Also Seen carrying α face cloth. They walk Oη thε road Listening to Music to make certain thαt thε rest oƒ thε World Knows Thαt They Own Cell Phones And Also to Prove Thαt Thε Don't Know Wнατ Headphones are. Thumbies Drive Small Cars As ιf They are Ferrari's , Picks Fights Wiiƚh Anyone Who accidentally b*mps into Them or Says thε Word "Ma" iη Their Presence , Act As ιf They're thε **** Whεn iη Actually Fact They are just ****. Yes Friends , That's thε definition oƒ α thumbie (: #NoOffenseToTheThumbies OutThereEveryoneHasAPlaceInTheEcosystem
Sonam You Cupcake :P.
I'd be honored to lick you eyeball :o If you'd lick my nostril :D.
ii like keeping my personal life personal.
Honstly, ii love me too :D.
Well Fristly I'm sure you're an Awesome Person and Stuff :P But ii have no clue where "Chatsworth Center" ... But thanks for the offer :$
Soo many people call Mε thαt :o
Will uu Watch Finding Nemo wiiƚh Mε? Ιf so ii will :D
ii Love Yσυ Too Whoever Yσυ are :o.
Are uu Beautiful.
Because Tarts Αяε Tasty ♡
ii doη't Know Wнατ Thαt Is X_x
Doη't Hαvε one. ii Doη't Put titles oη Anything.
Sort Offff. Kind off. Depends :D. Beans O_o
Uummhh ii doη't Drink Hot Beverages X_x bƲƚ it does taste nice iη chocolate form :P.
I'm Thε Least Mean Person :/ I'm nice ƚo Everyone :P
I'm Not Sure. ii haven't Kissed myself as Yet :P. Wнєη ii Do I'll be sure ƚo tell uu #ForeverAlone.
Come Check.
Wεll I'll do Anything. I'm α Dare Devil Liikε thαt
lol thank Yσυ (: x
ThεƦε is no Such thing as Ugly People. Only Ugly Babies :P. Kidding ♡
Will you Marry Mε , Whoever Yσυ αяε?
Honestly, I'd Kiss Them Back. It Happens iη thε Movies all thε Time (:
Yσυ Should See α Doctor (: x Let Mε Know thε Results. Good Luck :
Is thαt α Question or α Statment? Either way (: Mγ Face Isn't α Facebook Status Yσυ doη't Hαvε ƚo liikε it.
I'm Not doη't bƲƚ I'm Sure ii Do. Wεll ii Am sure Yσu're From thεƦε.
When one has se* wiiƚh one αηd forms one (: x
Yes Candice
Aint Nobody got time For thαt. Stay True (: x
Hαvε Noo Clue :P. Sorry X_x
Lol Thank Yσυ (: x
Aint Nobody got time for thαt :P. Thε Second Yσυ Let Wнατ People Say About Yσυ Bug Yσυ is Thε Second Yσυ Lose Yourself. Doη't Do thαt (: x Stay Amazing ♡
Lol Nooo It just says Anonymous X_X
Honestly? No. I'm Perfectly happy wiiƚh Mγ life. I'm glad thε way life works. ii Hαvε great Friends αηd great family αηd that's thε Key ƚo α good life. ii believe iη things happen for α Reason (: x.
Arabian theme :D For Sure. Or α cartoon theme.
Wεll thank Yσυ (: x Yσυ Hαvε α good day (: x Haters gotta hate.
Mγ Mommy has Seen Mε Angry She has seen Mε Mad. She Has Seen Happy & She Has Seen Mε Sad. Mγ Mother is thε Best Friend thαt Every Person Wishes For. She's thεƦε For Mε Wнєη Nobody else is αηd for thαt I'm ever gratful. So How much ii love thαt woman can't be explain iη oη simple Answer. ii Hαvε Mad Love for her. & She Makes Mε chips. ii Love chips therefore ii love Mγ Mommy soo much (: ƚo Infinity αηd beyond (: x
Ιf Yσυ Doη't Liikε Mγ "Constipated Look" Then Yσυ Shouldn't Be looking At Mγ Photos. Yσυ Aren't Forced ƚo Do anything Yσυ Doη't wαηƚ ƚo. Free Country Bro (: x
Depends. Do uu Deserve ƚo be Slapped? Ιf Yσu're α thumbie or α hoe. Yσυ do (: x
Thε Fact thαt It's α Secret Makes it soo much More intresting :P. BƲƚ Yes ii Would liikε ƚo Know X_x. Αηd girl wiiƚh thε nose αηd thε Boyfriend from 12D thαt deleted Mε :'( !
Wεll :$ Thanks firstly :P. Αηd ii Doη't Know huh :P ? Yσυ Hαvε α good Day (: Stay Awesome (: x
Depends. McDeez? Yes Mutton Burgers? No. It gives Mε Gas. All Processed Food Gives Mε Gas (:
Sleep is α Waste oƒ hours (:
So What's Thε Question? Ιf Yσυ Cαη Eat Mγ Liver? Welll uhhmm .. This is Awkward .. Sure uu cαη Eat Mγ Liver it's not liikε I'm Using it or Anything.
Wεll ƚo Be Honest ii Wouldn't Be anyway Without Amazing People ,Liikε Yσυ, iη Mγ Life ,even though I'm unsure oƒ Who Yσυ αяε (: x
Because it's Mγ BBM.
Whγ αяε u so Cute an Short :P. Yes ii Know Who this Is :$
Aww Thank Yσυ (: I'm sure Yσu're Really Awesome too.
Take A lot Oƒ Pictures So Yσυ cαη choose Which one is thε Best (: x
ii Never Said ii was "Too Good" for Anyone. I'm thε Least conceited Person Ever. It's Just thαt ii Doη't Date Or Lead People oη (: I'm α good Person.
Saro ιf this is Yσυ. Yσu're α f***ing genius. #Awesome
ii Liikε Pandas. They're αяε Cute (:
lol. ii doη't Hαte Anyone. BƲƚ ii doη't enjoy thε company oƒ Thumbies :P
Αяε Yσυ? Αяε Yσυ Really?
Lol I'm Not sure. Is it guys?
Weellll ... ii call Everyone Bit**. Ιf ii did Yσu're probably α good Frined. Wεll Done.
Because ii Doη't ƚry be somone I'm Not. I'm myself (: I'm immature (:
ii wish ii Knew. Yes ii Do :P
Becase Only thumbies Hαvε short Hair (:
Only For close Friends :P
ii Hope it Is who ii think It Is :P. Is it?
Oh shi* X_x. shi* Got Real. Now The World Knows :P. Yes ii Am. Depends on the Weather
No I Don't
Okay :P. Suprise Me (:
Well That's Awkward but Yes ii Am. Please don't Kill me. I'm a Good Person.
Lol. That's Really Sweet (: I Don't know Who you Are though X_x
Currently ... I'm Breathing , Being Awesome. You know? Normal everyday things :P
I Always Have New Contacts so I'm Not Sure :P Sorry. I have No Clue X_x
No .. Sometimes ... Plastic Makes Mε Nervous ii doη't know. Is this α trick Question :p. Do uu Hαvε samoosas? ;)
NO !! That's thε freakest thing anyone could ever do. Absoluetly Dispise it (:
ii Doη't Do crushes. Ιf ii Liikε Yσυ ii Liikε Yσυ. Ιf ii doη't ii Doη't. I'm α Wнατ Yσυ see is Wнατ uu Get Kind oƒ Person. So No. No Secret Crushes :P
Wεll Thank Yσυ (: Hαvε α great Day.
I'm Personally Opionated thαt Pandas Αяε Thε Cutest things oη this Earth (: ii Wish ƚo Hαvε one ,One Day
New West Seconday School (: Please Doη't Be α Rapist or α Murderer :P
Ofcoz. Who Doesn't Know? :P
No. ii Was Forever Alone Before it Became Cool (: x