hw many gheto guys hav u d8d?
Ha0w watz wth dah gHett0 Q...IV d8'd 1 gHett0 guY...
Lol, yazi dat pipo are very interested in ur as* which amuses me lol (we hav 2 tlk abt dat "mada 2 son") nd mina im interested in 1 thing..... Wen am i geting iRaise on my pocket money? *hides* lots of lve... Frm ur Fav son (Me) #Puppyeyes Flexy
Lawl fam!ths pip0l r afta ma arSe,paparazZi ngwana lawl...wena brng gud resultz il brng gud salary 4 u,waBoNa(",
ko raTa bjanG ma angeLa
sm0ochIe 4 nunu waka
hav u eva d8d a ghetto guy?
Uhm...yeS,a mistakE il nevA d0o agn..k0re gHEtt0 guYz r s0o nahT 4 mah lyf style
standN ko c0rnEng"as a d8"_cnt imagN dEnise dn dahT
How do you handle haters?
Kill dEm wth kindNesS(^^,
who cAreZ bwt hatErz anyWay
Have U Ever Liked Any Of Ur Friendz But Chose 2 kip it 2 yaslf coz ur friendshp meant more???
Eewh nah,i swear i hav m0r guy frndZ than gal frndz nd i d0n fnd em attraCtive at al....thy maH pw0iZ,,evEn if thY waLk nakEd ryT infr0ntA m0i,il b lyk c0va j0u shIiI... frndshp n nun m0r![l0v eM th0u]
i c ur in a r.ship,with who ?if i may ask..#or r u ashamed!?#
S0o i shud adverTiz mah relati0nshp n0w?4 u?_we r da smalla verSi0n of JAY0NCE_DEZIE!<HidEz>haha...0kay okaY!
eish i really die to have a closer look at your fine as*
Ive been w8ing 4 the most cowardly opportunity 2 tel u ths 4 a lng tym so here goes:gurl u got a fyn as*!2 bad i dnt c u around anymor
Hehe thnX stranga,n0w dnt b gn arnd seeKn 4 da m0st c0wardly opPortUnity 2 graB it!
how many times did
you have *ex or
I d0n d0o such
So how old are you?
13 nd a half",)
sooo lyk the iss diz certain poi whom cnt help bt missss your crawsy self...
Haha nd i bet u misss him too buddy
atleast ul have sumthing to tell our kidss once we grow old 2geda
lolzzz diz kills me evrtym u say it
Lma0..hahahahahahahahaha.lawl nd here i was tryna ign0re u 4 2wikz nyana,lawl,ah i faileD"sumfing 2 share wth our kidz"k0rata bjang..
Whch of j0u eX bfz has da smallest ****?
Hae sies wena!!!hw wud p0or lil me knw_u nasty!
you look beautiful hey, but do ju value beauty?
Thnx!...value th0u?naht da ryt term 2 use_beauty ***z nd g0es_itz jst a frame,naht m0i--s0o naAh
If ur given a 1-on-1 sesion with Trey Songz 4 an hour, no cameras just u and him. What wud u do??
M naht eVen a fan_neva daht!i wuD runaway..
what happened betwen you and jabZ
0h did sumfing hapPn b2wn me nd jaBz?u jst seeM 2 knW it aL,dnT yah!
are you still inlove with Tiro?
Neva daht!m ova hm...hs ma buddy th0u!
Wh0z daht?i mean i lyk m0st statz daht make me laf or g0o lyk"nd than,true!"
y is angela realy mean 2 ppl sometymz, i just dnt undastand!! Nd u use 2 b mean like her bak in grade 8 nyana. Bt now ur more chilld and actualy a really sweet and funy girl. Bt ANGELA yOH! eXPLAiN?
Uhm...y dnT u asK ha daHt!
Do u stil hav de hearts 4 ur bst-frnd's boy-frnd?
Wahafa?i dnt fnd ma best frnd'Z bf(s) attraCtive in dahT way!!i reaLie valuE frndShip,i wuDn evEn thnK of such
Who has a chrush on u that you've heard off?
Who g0eS arnd teln pip0l thy crsheZ,Afta aL itZ s0o nahT imp0rtant,itZ lil play_play filingz....2 ansa j0u questi0n,n01!
what's ur favourite part of ur body?
Mah arSe_i realie l0ve mah arSe,naht 2BiG or 2smal,clean(0_o)nd sPotLesS!
Do u & charmaine like the same typa guys?
Uhm nah.me nd charmain r vry diffrnt esPecially wen it ***Z 2 our mealz
what is the one thing that no one knows about u? What makes u smile?
Da 1 thng daht pip0l d0n knW bwt m0i,is daht m vry em0ti0nal nd da 1thng daht makeZ me hapiE is c'nG ma mama hapi nd jst bn arnD ma skim_dah lil thngZ(",
Would you consider yourself a pakile girl? Zenie
Lma0..uhM zenie i cnT realie say at ths p0int bt g0o cheX pakile entatainMent'Z managErZ ND theY'l ansa u_apPrntly ma as* is g0n b faCe of "pakile.galz"bt letZ w8 n c
Can u try guess who I am lol
What's the biggest promise you ever made to yourself?
I neva make pw0micz 2 maslf
r u nd angela best friendz#-
Yeahp,shes mah bestie m0r of a sista,iv kn0wn ha 4 7yearZ n0w_i l0v daht gal 2Bitz,she alwayZ gaht mah bCk#angenise#
have you ever d8 more than 1person at a time?
Nah m vry faithful,if m in a relati0nshp i puT ma all,100% in2 dahT relati0nshP... <3
do u have a crush at ur bfs frnd?
Uhm dahT questi0n aint relevent 2 ma lyf_thnX!
hv u eva datd a chick if yes hw waz it?
Nah m vrY str8
Are u a virgin
Yeahp,pRoudly virgIn!
WOulD u dAte a GuY liKe uHhhHmm..Tk? (In OuR dRamA cLaSs)
Uhm i d0n knW tk daht weL s0o i wuDn knW
Why were you and michelle fighting at schul and who won the fight?
It waSn a physicAl fyt at all,i swear it waHz jst a vry heatEd c0nv0 nd pip0l madE it wat thy wanit 2 b...i c u 1 of dah brainLesS pip0l getN xciteD bwt fyTz,realiE n0w..pip0l lyk u nid pRayeRz...m naht da type 2 g0o arnd s0lving ma pRobz by kickn arSe
#thnX 4 da questi0n,c0z it dnt help takN in wat pip0l create,vry wise of u
Buddy yesssiii ma isht don show on fB nmre lark wtF.... Nd I switchd da isht on ka kwaata nou!! Bassy1995
Frnd oreng kgante!
i need a date for my MD so...
Wh0oh nah s0ri,sh0rt n0tice anyWAy..bt gud luck,h0pe u fnd da perfct d8,nj0y!
Wat wud u say/do if a guys waz to ask u out via f.B?
Realie n0w!i wuD teL hM 2 steP uP hs gamE!via fb n0gal,plz!
Do you think you're Self centered at times?
Nah,neva daht...m jst vry c0nfidEnt nd pip0l tend 2 misundastand mah pers0nalitY_I DZo0 l0vE c0mplimentN masLf th0u,nun wr0ng wif daht(",
So onica will there ever be a future 4 me and u?
I d0ubt
Ru dating anyone?
What's the craziest thing uv done for cash?
4cAsh!nah nuN cwazIe aT aL...i sweaR!
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
Pip0l usSuming m d8n mr bla bla_i get daht al0t!
Describe yourself in 3 words?
"beauTy wiF brainZ"
Who are you dating currently
Uhm...2 begIn wth m i d8n sum1?
Do u consider yourself beautiful
OfcrS,i thnk i gaht da natUral beauTy!