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Ask me anything you like anonymously

37 Replies

Love your vibe ?


Dizzzzy replied 2296 days ago

What made you happy today? 100+

My sisterssss

Dizzzzy replied 2296 days ago

Top 5 ways too piss you off?

1) if I say I’m not interested in you romantically and you persist
2) “ I KNOW YOU” or “ I know you better than you know yourself”?
3) being undermined/disrespected in PUBLIC
4) when people try to act slick or too smart with me
5) being interrupted

Dizzzzy replied 2322 days ago 1

How are you so unapologetically yourself?

I was always too square for one crowd, I was too opinionated for the pacifist, too out of touch to be in style. Too broke for the rich kids...I had to just ride my own wave( I had no other choice lol )

Dizzzzy replied 2322 days ago

I heard you like stalking me Black_pvris

Who Was The Snitch?

Dizzzzy replied 2323 days ago

I love and miss you bby g - come back to Harare so we can hear your laugh echoing right into our hearts like it always did at school


Dizzzzy replied 2325 days ago

is Freddy ur favorite person oj is your favj personk


Dizzzzy replied 2325 days ago

Then you are wrong . It’s sad that you will never get to find out. You were almost there though but if I did tell you who I was would you rat me out

I wouldn’t rat you out? snitches get stitches and end up in ditches

Dizzzzy replied 2325 days ago

Trust your instincts you are right?

But if you’re who I think you are... YOU HAVE BF? or am I wrong ?

Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago

Would you get back with Collin

Nah, we’re cool tho.

Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago

Who’s your last ex ?


Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago

That was another’s person doing that not me ???????

Were you always in trouble?

Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago

Girlie! I see getting lesbian confessions in on this thing


Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago

Depends , you would spend alot of alone time with different people who were doing history too

?lmao don’t make sound like a CREEP.... Okay next question , do you like Madea ?

Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago

Yes I was in your classs

? did we do history together in a room alone?

Dizzzzy replied 2326 days ago