Who do you love more, mum or dad ?
Both, can't pick
Who are you dating?
No one, : )
Who inspires you?
Tim Cahill
What turns you off in a person ?
What freaks you out ?
Bears with no hair.
What is the saddest thing in life?
When someone you know passes
Which friend would you take a bullet for?
The friends that would take a bullet for me.
2 things you dislike about yourself?
My Different Skin, (wrinkly) : ( and I can go overboard when Im mad or annoyed
How many kids do you want to have?
Two preferable a boy and a girl but if not then Thats fine
What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
Kill or hurt a living thing?
A super power you wish you had?
Freezing time or clearing people's minds,
What are you really good at?
Probaly Soccer that's bout it.
Who are you dating?
Invisible Chick,
'.Forever Alone.'
thoughts on Emma Neale and Tahlia Dean?
I know we've had some fights and now you probaly think I dislike you, I don't, you make many people laugh and your a great friend when people get to know you.
Tahlia: Your a great friend, you have a very funny Personallty, you and Emma sometimes play downball with "everyone" (jack, Luke, fletch Rex ect.)
I don't do these thoughts question much so I might not be good at it.
What pisses you off the most?
When people spread rhomuors that are not true.
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Money or Love ?
Love, all day long
What upsets you?
When people don't talk to me.
What is your weakness?
Girls, : /
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
No Celebrity Cause they don't mean more then your Girl Friend Or Boy Friend
How long would you like to live for?
What is success to you?
When you complete a goal that you have set for your self or when you complete something then earn something alse.
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
Terriost attacks or War between countries,
How awesome are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Probs a -1
Your next smartphone?
Umm, does it have to be a phone cause if so, then probs a iPhone 4S, if not then an iPad Mini
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
Billy Bob
The worst thing that happend to you this week?
My friends not replying to me, when I send them messages, : (
The most boring person you know?
Who would you take a bullet for?
For everyone that would take a bullet for me. : )
The best movie so far in 2014?
Ummm Dont know, : /
How was your first kiss like ?
My first kiss well it was.........I Haven't Had It Yet!
Who do you miss right now?
Ummmm, I don't know,
Who's the best person at victory in year 8? ;) Tayyylahhh
Ummm, well you or Liam, cause idk many people :D
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Your father's name?
Well you my cousins GF, soo
Your a great friend you've got a strange but good personality, your a person I need to get to know more, but you worrie too much about stuff, just relex,
Your source of happiness?
Friends and family, sport, gaming and many more
How much is enough money for you?
Enough to make my friends and family happy
Who makes you happy?
Best friends
I like you I'm in your year level and I played soccer with you last year. I want to date you
I'm not stuipid NO ONE! Will every like me so it's obversely not a true.
The greatest moment in your life ?
Being born...
Who was the first person you dated?
Umm..Haven't dated anyone properly.
What do you think about the most?
Who is your crush? Dont be shy
Someone that will never go out with me. :/
Something you will never be good at?
Getting a girlfriend....
A song they should play at your funeral?
What is your mother's name?
Umm.... Wny do you want to know.....
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
Um, Friends....
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
.......Dont have one.......... :(
What is the one thing you think people hate about you?
The way I look, :( for example my hands, everyone judges me on them just because their different, I wish know one would judge me just by my skin, everyone says, "why are you so wrinkly" "how long to you have a bath for?" And know one understands that i was born with them like this I can't change them! And yet I still get judged on them! :(
A great friend to have by my side, your a very talented person , and you make me smile every time you talk to me.
How much is currently in your bank account?
None, :((((
A person you never want to talk to again?
Ummmm.....I don't know....
A song that you've over played?
Rude, By Magic
How do you feel about dating exes?
I don't know, I never get into relationships :(
im sorry. ive been a **** and i feel really bad. :( emmaneale
That's ok, as long as you promis not to pick on other people.
I come back to "qooh me" and Iv got no questions, Forever Alone. :( Dj1122
How big is your TV?
Bigger than yours.
How did you do that?
Ummm what
If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?
Have you gained courage yet?
Thoughts on me! If you remember me.. paigeisthecoolest
Your we're the girl in the grade that made friends easily and you left very quickly, but you were A very kind person who had a very different but good personality.
What are you wearing right now?
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
I want to tell the one girl how beutifull she is and ask her out, but I'm not brave enough :/
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
I've already answered it!
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
No, Im just happy to be there to help
Hey, who let the dogs out?
Ummm You?
dont go on anon and call yourself cute, wow thats low :') emmaneale
It's just me joking around, god,
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
What is missing in your life?
That one specil girl
Society or individual?
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
Jump out of a plane :D
i've always hated you! :') emmaneale
What have you learned today?
That Emma hates me
And well this I think everyone knows who this is
your names Dylan not Dj.
Well my nickname is dj
What do you think people think of you?
I think my friends like me, and my enmimies don't like me, (Emma)
i like to push your buttons though. :')
I like to HATE YOU though.
stop being a **** to Emma. Alex is a **** who trips over everything!
I'm not! She's being mean to Alex, and so is everyone alse!
The thing you want the most this Xmas?
COD Ghosts! And for Emma to stop pushing my buttons!
That you bully me, it's my choose who I like..... And it's obversely not you!