How often do u drink *
Not often at all
HEY so I'm not a h8ter but what's ur opinion on ppl saying ur a player? :)
Those people can go **** themselves ! :) *
Most annoying girl u know?
My sister
I heard you are getting the Galaxy S3 I heard itz da bomb Good man
4S :P *
Will you go out with me:P x
Only if your name is Caela Pistorius ;) *
Who was ur biggest competiton in skwl ths year n last year?* lol random I knw
Soo... How much do u like Caela? ;)
Alot :P
Do you have a girlfiend Don?
i wish a girl like me could get with a guy like you
haha ok
Which girl 4rm ur skwl were u rly close too? :p**
Who was the nicest girl you met last night at the U party? :)
danielle, elif, chanel, emma and shenka :P all equally equally nice
Why her? :/
cuz...twas long ago
So whose this girl yew talking about?!:P
What ws so speshil about her?
awesome personality
Don someone is takin the piss out of you. They are just jealous
thanx man!
Aw dats cool and kinda sweet! :) lucky her
Why do you stuff girls around and treat them badly and then think its all ok?
frieken hell!!!!! i dont do this!!! is this what everyone thinks of me?!?!?!
So who's your next girlfriend and why?
i donno... i dont think the girl i like likes me back... so not sure
Bst GF u ever had?
:D:D:D:Dhmmmm.....not sure , there were a few
Who was a reali close childhood friend? Girl n guy :)xx
rodney nd.... Kayla :P :D
That's what all the bad boys say. Trying to impress the gurlz I c...........;) not working. ;) ;) ;) ;)
just giving my mom the credit she deserves :P :D
Is ther a gurl dat has rly meant smething in ur lyf
My sweet mother
4 hw long hav u knwn steffie :p*
you the hottest guy to ever roam VMS
Lol, No Thebe is =P ( Thebe Was Here )
Who's da nicest giRl that u've ever knwn?* :P xx
Steffie :P
Hw cn u nt no!?
was i a douche to whoever this is?
Ur such a nyc gye usuly bt wen it ***s 2 gals u such a douche. Y man?
eish, i donno
How old are you?
14 turning 15 next year june
dont you think qooh.me is for girls?
me nd my 2 besties think your hot :P:P:P
hahahahah, thats good to know but i think i know who you R :P
Do u lyk Milena ??
yeah as a friend
..So haven't seen ur face in ages lol..last tym was wehen we got kicked out of jay jays..guess who;P
Does Forehead have a sister named 3head
this is my dad, or thebe
Oh Don had a grt time at Gold Rf today. I forgot to tell you I saw 4head last wknd
sweet me too, still donno who this is though
Is she in ur DPs or other pics?
who is this???
S0... Wu is da girl wit da big forehead ;)
ask me in person :P
Who do u like ? :) :) :)
I like all my friends ( no homo )
Do you wear contacts now that you don't have those glasses on?
lol, no
Do you help around the house or is your bedroom a wreck?
i allways help, but i slack off at my dads place...cuz hes awesome
I am guessing "T" is Tena and "M" is Malina
Who is that girl in some of your photo's with the big forehead?
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah......hahahahahahah, is this my dad???
If you could turn back the clock and fix something you did wrong, what would it be?
i would create facebook, instead of watching TV
Who was your longest rela. with?
Hahaha i see u got the qooh me :P sooo can u gues who??? :P I live in Milena's estate? :P
What does your perfect girl look like?
Any Girl With a great personality nd dark hair (good looking as well)
Describe yourself in 3 words?
energetic, fast nd kind
haha, wait a lil longer ey. you get the strangest questions ever:P Riconel
lol,, iv gotten some weird 1s
Why don't yew just ask "T" eegan.. :P owt? :D
she'l say no:P
Who are the top 5 coolest girls yew know?(:
Who are your best girl friends?
Milena and Sharon (girls which are friends)
Who would yew like to date? x (:
ill just say ,*T*, or *M*
U are a *ex god <3
X_X o.O haha that u knew it was me , smartness =)) *
Amazing :D
whats amazing?
U were at my house the other day ;) Thursday and Friday, and u came 2 swim ;) guess wu :D
Milena :P
Why u so hot ??
im not :P
WhaT wAs uR lonGest nd Shortest relati0nship ever* xxx :)
shortest....2 hours.....longest i think about 4 months, not too sure
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
h8ters say im a playa!
Who are you dating currently
no-one :(