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Daniel Buchanan


Questions or statements :)

1.4k Replies

Which country are you from and which country would you like to visit ?

Aus and America for sure ?

Doozzy.69 replied 2727 days ago

A lot of women near you want $ex! Make sure yourself - sign up here steph1john

Sharon, only 2 kms away wants to fck

Doozzy.69 replied 2755 days ago

How many times do you wank a day

3 +

Doozzy.69 replied 2766 days ago

Who's your crush ATM

No one actually

Doozzy.69 replied 2768 days ago

What are you good at ?

Saturdays ?

Doozzy.69 replied 2768 days ago


Only on sundays

Doozzy.69 replied 2769 days ago

MDMA is good haha, I'm sure whoever sent that stupid sht smokes bongs or something which is a drug too. I'll stick to MDMA tho, dooz have a cap for me.

Yeah okay you know me will do brus

Doozzy.69 replied 2769 days ago

any girls you wish youd dated before you moved?


Doozzy.69 replied 2770 days ago

I herd your mates with Brett hall what's your thoughts on him?? I herd be is a ice head your Better then that to hang with people like hi.

I'm not mates with him

Doozzy.69 replied 2770 days ago

I hear you love mdma? That's so gross your so dero your a idiot man you make me sick man lol man grow up man seriously man

Haha lol yer

Doozzy.69 replied 2770 days ago

What would you say about anyone of your ex's?

Idk idc

Doozzy.69 replied 2923 days ago

When do you move?

When ever the house sells

Doozzy.69 replied 2923 days ago

Do you have feelings for someone?


Doozzy.69 replied 2923 days ago

Why the fck did you even drop out in year 9?

Cos I was baddd bra

Doozzy.69 replied 2955 days ago

If you're not already or haven't thought of it, do a fcking TAFE course or something. Get some tickets. Make a name for yourself.

That's the plan as soon as I move

Doozzy.69 replied 2955 days ago