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Julz Courtis


W O R D S | P L E A S E.

83 Replies

The most unreliable person you know ?

Myself unfortunatly....

Dr.Acula replied 3607 days ago

The last one was not me, I wouldn't of used the same catchphrase twice haha.
Others were me though. Joelmcmillan

I knew it! I thought to myself who likes wrestling, and enjoys a hulk hogan catchphrase? Yerp Joel!hhahaha :p

Dr.Acula replied 3670 days ago

Hey man let's play a game called, watcha gonna do, brother, when I throw another wrestling reference at you, it's flubbering time, it's time to play the *****

Is this Joel? Haga

Dr.Acula replied 3671 days ago

The previous question was asked for the millions! (deep breathe)..and Millions, of the anon's fans.
Now, watcha gonna do, brother, when I throw another wrestling reference, at you?!

Austin 316 says ur question just whooped my as*! ;)

Dr.Acula replied 3672 days ago

The people wanna know, will you ever grow the Yu-Gi-Oh hair again?

Nahh this time I'm going goku haha

Dr.Acula replied 3672 days ago

kill yourself

Eat my ****

Dr.Acula replied 3672 days ago

Um that wasn't me but I will take the credit. When did children become involved? You sick ****. Thats all you think about.

Im sure youd take the credit weirdo, ohh i see turn my words around on me, arent u clever! ur the stalker that apparently knows so much about me! Sounds like something youd do doesnt it? Its called putting the dots together and then bingo we've got you! btw this is my last reply to you, ur starting to bore me, il let you move onto your next target, cheers for the humorous fun, do it again next time, hopefully in person, wouldnt that be fun? it would be but your gonna remain nameless like the gutless coward you are! catcha mate, have fun this thursday night with your keyboard/phone, do u talk **** to that as well, it might care a bit more than i do?

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

Woah man I wasn't the one who mentioned your girlfriend. But from the sounds of her she'd scare even cradle of filth. Mouth like a SAW movie.

Im not sure if you remember this or maybe u have a very narrow chromosome but you said this "Nah mate thats ya gf job. Bet ya both like it to. Filthy uncomplished people you both are. Does her piercing rip ya **** open?" Once again proving you care about my life, stalking not only me but my girlfriend, if u weren't u wouldnt be mentioning anything about her or her appearance now would you? You really must be a sick twisted f*uck! Next stop for you kids playgrounds, better have you locked up before its to late hey? btw saws a sick movie! great comparison! :D

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago


i kinda did, sometimes idiotic people deserve my attention, it somewhat humors me, they think i care when in reality they get no where, because in the end their the ones wasting their time not me.

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

Whatever mate. U do realize we don't even know each other nor have we met?

wtf is the point of all this then? U just go off wat people have told you im guessing? woooow mate! truly this has been a waste of time! if we havnt met then wtf is your problem? u definetly dont know me at all, nore do u know my girlfriend, dont u ever bring her into this, u can talk **** about me as much as you want with ur accusations from others but u definetly dont know her in which youll reply with im glad i dont but im glad u feel that way because its a godsend knowing we've never met, its saves me the trouble to be fair, now hop along and throw your bull**** towards someone else because i dont know you and nore do you know me so this really means nothing to me, if we actually knew each other then maybe just maybe id care a little bit but the fact we've never met makes this all sooo much funnier, you make me laugh mate you truly have made my day with your mindset! thankyou for that!

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

You are such an easy target.

U may think so but its entertaining, its not effecting me, it proves how low some people are, its merely wasting the muscle movement which everytime i use my fingers.

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

Its kinda of funny because it none of them. But this is fun. And are you sure you left the friendships or did they leavd you?

I think ur bull****ing mate! Ohh I'm sure I left them, and I'm sure we we're somewhat friends once upon a time, boy am I glad I no longer know you, your just s***. This is more fun for me, seeing how ur devoting ur time to discuss my life when it's none of ur business, deep down inside u do care or we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we? Seeing that u apparently think of me in such a low manner why don't u just walk away? Or continue this delightful guessing game, cause I'm having so much fun with all ur petty remarks, I'm sure u must have other targets that deserve ur attention? Or am I the only lucky one that gets to grace such a douchebag? Ohh and u didn't answer my question, do I owe u anything? Because if so inbox me cause that's the only way I'm gonna know. Ohh and u owe me something, the time I've wasted replying to ur pointless questions, because it's not effecting me.

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

I care about MY society inwhich for some reason was burdened with YOU. Do your part. ****ing work. Payback the people who have done so much for you. Eg; friends and family. So no i dont care about YOU. You are the s*** of eather.

So im affecting your way of life? and how the hell have i burdened society? hmmmm okay makes a whole lot of sense, btw the way ****head i do work! But you wouldnt know that would you? You know nothing of me anymore, nore would i want to associate myself with people like you, its why i left certain friendships behind, because their nothing more than backstabbers and traitors, i will admit i did take things from people in which im more than happy to repay but i dont see anyone coming forth? If i ever took anything from you by all means speak up and come forth, il be waiting, but thats right your anonymous! wat a joke! btw i know one thing your name either starts with a "D" "C" or a "J" take your pick bud.

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

Um I-don't-nor-ever-have-lived-in-the-Casey-area-because-it-smells-like-your-c*unt also mate I am anon because I can be. As I said it is fun, U have always been someone who has never accomplished anything. Just do something with ur life.

if you care about the fact that apparently i haven't ''accomplished'' anything in my life then you must really care about me thankyou so much :)

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago

U say it doesn't effect u but clearly it does. But seriously dude just deactivate ur page if u can't handle the hate which is all websites lile this create. And nah mate I have never lived in the casey area it just reeked lile your v*****.

nahh honestly it doesnt affect, im still standing, your the one with your tale between your legs, grow a pair hey? and most of wat u just said made no sense soooo you must be from the casey area!

Dr.Acula replied 3788 days ago