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177 Replies

What or who are you obsessed with right now?

Dylan O'Brien

Dylan18_ replied 2998 days ago

Thought you and Toni where like best friends ?

Tomi* were*

Hi Tomi.

Dylan18_ replied 3020 days ago

Thoughts on gabby?


Dylan18_ replied 3020 days ago

Lachy or canty?


Dylan18_ replied 3020 days ago

Hannah or Amy g ?

Dunno. Probs Hannah

Dylan18_ replied 3020 days ago

Thoughts on Gabby?


Dylan18_ replied 3024 days ago

What's the coolest thing you did that no one saw?

Had a mint wank .. That's probably about it ..

Dylan18_ replied 3031 days ago 1

You're a joke

You're cool

Dylan18_ replied 3036 days ago

Tunga are a joke!!!!

Aw true

Dylan18_ replied 3039 days ago

Your so hot !

Thanks isaaac

Dylan18_ replied 3039 days ago

kys pls.... love nathan tabain

That's rude ..

Dylan18_ replied 3039 days ago

How did you meet your bestfriend ?

Fat camp ..

Dylan18_ replied 3039 days ago

why do you regret levaing melbourne

Leaving * because Yarra is a sht hole ahah

Dylan18_ replied 3041 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

Skyline ???
GTR 34.. Turbo, dos.

Dylan18_ replied 3063 days ago

Where's me nan at dog


Dylan18_ replied 3087 days ago