I didnt know you and cass were back together
We're just friends
Which school are u coming to when you come to bays
I think john ross or Birds View. Arrangements haven't been made yet, so i still don't know for sure
are ur feet more narrow or more wide ? x
I don't know bruh, they're normal? ?
Have you ever been on a trip where everyone drank heaps on the bus ride, and when you stopped/arrived there were no bathrooms?
No ?
shoe size and width fitting ? x
I'm a size 7
Do you guys still talk?
I'm sorry that cas broke up with you?
It's ok.?
I checked you in school today b, you good?
I'm hundreds ?
She broke up with you? ??
Why'd Cassidy breakup with you? ?
I'm not entirely sure
When are you moving back to Bays?
Beginning of January ?
So you admit to have picken the soap? ?
Wtf bruv? ??
You need deep heat for your sore back bro?
Sure and maybe i can get your ma to rub it for me ??
Which girl are you crushing on at the moment? ?
She knows ?
I see you'ze got qooh me now ?? Cxssiidy
Yes yes, i wonder who made me get it ?❤?
Hii Bess' Frennnnn ❤⚡ Cxssiidy
Hiii Bubbles ❤❤☺
Where are you from?
Who's your best friend?
Bubbles ❤⚡