Hehehe jame...mar dis jou skuld want jy noem almal "my kind" =P haha. Awww thanx x
Haha ,jap, ek dnk ek mt dai gewoonte af leer, en vr ju alleen n naampie kry wat ju uniek maak
Halo "my hart se punt" =P hehe. Wil net se, baie dankie dat ek weet jys daar vir my en my beste vriendinne'q (jou ane kind), en dat jy enige tyd sal opkom vir ons tweetjies (HuG). Hehehe thanx johnny !!* =) waardeer dit BAIE !!!
Aww thnx , jys so oulik... En as jy so se "ju ane kind" vul ek sos n ou oom met bje kinders X_X.mar vir jou dit n groot plesier........mar steeds sal ek meer opkom vr ju as enige iemand anders..
van almal wie jy al in jou lewe ontmoet het wie mis jy die meeste
Uhm, shoe dt ngal moeilik om nt so te se, mar soi ver ek kan dink .....n myc met die naam alicia van der berg....
Why do you do it ?? Because its fun, because your friends maby do it, pure presure, cause you like it ...why ??? And if your not proud about it, why don't you try to stop ??
Honestly I don't know why, but who are you, can you ping me on bbm plz...
Oh and please just be honest about the question, cause if I found out you lied to me, I'm really going to be mad at you !
Ooo ok, we'll ya I do, but I'm not proud to say it
Do you smoke? (....Curious....) =P
Do you ask because you know or because you you think so?
Will you ever fukc anja?
What, who are you.
Any way possible
I told you she's a good person, a good friend.
The question was: who do you like ? And does she like you back ?
I wl tell you on a later stadium..
I'm not asking if she's a good friend I wana know what u think of her
In what way?
Hey tell me something ok? What do u think abwt anja?
She's a good friend, why?
Wats die punt van iets anonymously vra, as jy wil weet wie ek is ? =P hehe
Seke nix veel nie...mar danq
Why would you be lying if you tell me ??
What was the question, and I will answer....
Hey hey. Wil net se jys n baie oulike mensie, en al maak jy my soms kwaad, waardeer ek jou nogsteeds baie =). Leke aandji verder (HUG)
Danki, as jy my op bbm het Ping my so paar keer deur di dag, asb ek sal like om te weet wie jy is.
Drink of rook jy ? ? ?
Ek Drink net soms hang maar net af of ek in n kyer bui is
Who do u like at this moment and does she like you back?
If I would tel you, I would be lying
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Truthfull, loving, caring
Who are you dating currently
No one at this moment