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Dylan Gallop


I Like Penguins (:

462 Replies

Seriously who was the first person you ever loved. As in a girlfirend

Uhm, bbm me and I'll tell you .

Dylz replied 3981 days ago

I still love you <3

Bbm me ? ^~^

Dylz replied 3981 days ago

I don't use you for GTA. We've beem through a lot together :(

Been* But yes we have :3

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

I'm coming to your house to play GTA V soon :D hope you ready for meh ;)

Love how you just use me for GTA ! xD

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Who was your first love??? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone ;)

Gotta say power rangers ey ! That show ruled my childhood ! ;)

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

I love you♡

Aww, I love you too stranger ^~^ BBM me ?

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Hello my gallie *fist b*mp "lab;)"* so like :D I love you :( ♡ too mush .-. ♥ but you are awesome ;;) so stay so :D. & thanks to your mom for giving birth to you :D ♡ she's cool too ;) ♡ tanyaaahEyns

Hey shortz o/ so confusing >.> but I love you too ! I know ;) jk thank u ! <3

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

What's the craziest thing you have done ??

I'm a very crazy person, so that is very hard to say D:

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

helloooww my breastiie ;3
Meeeeh. I missed you so much :'(
But you can't get rid of me ;;) evuuuuurrr
Okay beey <3 I lurv you boo*ie. Donchuu change *rolls eyes*

Hello boo*ie <3 I missed you tooooo ! Never ever, u my Breastie for life :3 I lurv you toooo !

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

^-^ u shall Make me a sandwich, or my arm shall kill u

I'm immortal.... Just hungry D:

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Hey Dylan, Katie here
Okaii so like how awsome was that penguin behind you today? like it was seriously *exi ey;)=D I mean and the llama, like was so epic to see=D

Woahhh ... Share the drugs please :D <3

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Why penguins?! -_- Bunnies are awesome \(^o^)/

You mad bro ? Penguins are the **** okay !

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Yo smo! D: make me a sandwich :D. '^^' u know u wana ;)

No no, your the one who should make me one D: </3

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Hi I'm a fishy ^.^ from alexandra fishyzombie

Fisshhyyyy ^o^ I love fishieess :3

Dylz replied 3984 days ago

Nina Is Spreading Her Love All Over Her Boy's Wall Right Now As We Speak=O LOLZ..........Love This Boy Insane Amounts♥ He is the reason that my hearts beat;) xOxO Never Change My Boy !! His All Mine Sowi Gals

Uhhmmmm this is awkward... I don't know you but thanks heyy :|

Dylz replied 3984 days ago