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Emma Rolston

Shoot,******s :) ask away <3

547 Replies

Third times a charm? Can you not read?? I JUST f***ING ACCIDENTALLY MY EAR!!! WHAT DO?!?!?

I can read but clearly you can't write. You accidentally your ear doesn't make sense!!! Omg YOU ARE MISSING A WORD... Proof read before ya send it m8 replied 4241 days ago


Also that didn't answer my question. I'm really worried about this, it seems to have the potential to be a really bad issue. Hopefully I don't accidentally the other one too

Wow most of this one actually made sense :) you're getting there haha.. Shot replied 4241 days ago

Well since you can't understand plain english, perhaps you can help me with something else. I accidentally my ear the other day, is that bad?

Me understand English? Are you kidding? Read what you wrote to me, you make absolutely no sense. I've asked a few people if this makes sense and they've also said know buddy -.- replied 4241 days ago

I'm not cray. I just haven't really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. Do you think anyone has?

Why do you not speak English :(((( replied 4241 days ago

If you had been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like, I would use anyone even to go look more to decide as far as you been.

-.- you are cray, I'm sure everyone that reads this will not understand this.. Are you missing words out or?? replied 4241 days ago

Well in that case, what you're trying to say is to do more like if decided to want look more like, even if as far as wanting?

You really make no sense, I am sorry to say.. But you are one complicated Mofo... replied 4242 days ago

Of course I'm f***ing right. How dare you as*ume otherwise, peasant

Be nice aite... I'm not a peasant for a start off thanks :) replied 4242 days ago

My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

Wel then you're probably right :)) replied 4242 days ago

Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

Well what do you think? :) replied 4242 days ago

But if I go really far, even to look at more, then will I decide to use like I really want?

Hmm well it's up to you :) replied 4242 days ago

*sigh* Let me put it this way...
If anyone had been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like, what look to go more like would they even decide to use?

You make no sense I swear -.- just mail me on fb and i'll try decipher what you're saying or talk English haha :))) replied 4242 days ago

That is most definitely not what I was trying to say f*****. Don't twist my words. I simply would like to know if anyone has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Why am I so stupid, I still don't understand-.- think about what you're saying and try to re word it aite :)) are you trying to say.." Has anyone really been as far, ever decided to use.." And then I don't get the rest :/ replied 4242 days ago

Well in my mind if i were them i would be trying to say how beautiful and pretty you are. So that! :P

Hahahah cute :) but no I don't think that's what they're trying to say replied 4244 days ago

You aint the only person who cant understand EM :P

Ha I'm glad that I'm not the only person but I still feel stupid, can you understand it/decipher it for me?? replied 4244 days ago

Sorry I mean has anyone really decided as to even go that far in wanting to do to look more like so?

I feel really dumb that I don't understand what you're saying sorry haha! I'm not to smart tonight... :LL sorry replied 4244 days ago