Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Yeah why
:) x
There's many !! :)
Haha aww x says you beautiful
Emily and jess
I don't know many year 7 kids sorry
Aww I'm sorry ... Please inbox me and well have a good conversation :)
Dunno are you :')??
Unfortunately not... And yes that is how you spell his name
I don't think I am there's way more prettier girls than me ... Inbox ?
I wish :')
Inbox me ?? :) x
I'm not to sure why ?
Ill pas* :)
Really kind when you get to know her she is beautiful and is amazing !! Should talk more tho xx
Oh hahah tbh- really nice but we hardly talk x
Michael skerry :')
Not really I just don't put up with people's shi* :') and ill believe you once you come up to me and say it to my face babe xo
Jordy burnham :)
Well clearly you don't know me because I actually don't.
I love you nugget !!!! <3 that's all I can say haha your like my brother !!
He's like my bestfriend and a older brother what do you mean bye that ?? He's the one person I can actually trust as well as Britney there the only two I can trust with my life .... X
There's quiet a few :)
Have you :)
Brother* and I don't care what you have to say about him!! He's himself am who he is and you don't have to befriends with him but there is also no need for this shi* being sent to me ... He's actually a good kid ... And it's my brother your talking about like honestly what do you expect me to say !! f*** off and get a life.
Lol I know this isn't jarred because jarred wouldn't say tht :')
Well britney she's my bestfriends alwy therefor me but haven't chilled in ages should chill soon xx can trust her with anything and ill always be here for you
Oh okay I see how it is :O .
I am not putting them in order because there all beautiful/ pretty !!
Britney Wilde
Tiffany sharp
Sara Hewitt
Elly chandler
Maddi Mottram
Lexi Hobman
Alex .N
Molly shields
Chloe Hannah
Janielle karam
Chloe Bourne
Tatiana Anne
Keely young
Courtney Paige
Jazzy jay
Well she used to give me shi* for smoking then I saw her smoking in frankston not long ago and she keeps denying it, I know for a fact it was her and I confronted her about It an she lied to my face.. She is always calling me and my mates slu*s and *****s and skanks.. She is all talk going round telling everyone she\'s gonna punch on with me then when it comes to the time she shi*s her self and tries to avoid me because she knows she is in the wrong.. She also went out with one if my ex\'s 2 days after we broke up but the thing is we role up because of her because all she did was flirt with him while we was going out and last but not least she\'s a key bored worrier !! Xx
Lexi Hobman
Steff razga
Britney Wilde
Hayley Burris
Maddi Mottram
Milly smith
Ashley Hobman
Elly chandler
Sarah Hewitt
Chloe hanish
Jackson Kidd
Jarred white
Jordy burnham
Michael skerry
Tim hand
Maddi Mottram❤
Britney Wilde❤
Jazzy white❤
Britney Wilde
Jackson kidd
I have a boyfriend...
True true :))
Love her to boys she's beautiful and really smart !! She goes through alot and she knows to call me if she needs or inbox me ill always be here for her no matter what xx
For me to know for you to find out :)
The fact that I never go on about liking Michael at all I do miss him but he is my ex and I did have a serious relationship with him of corse I'm going to miss him !! And I know I'm going out with jarred and your point is ?? And maybe you should shut your mouth !! Don't say anything unless your gonna get off anon xo
He's so nice and he's my little brother is anyone gives him shi* they clearly have me to deal with because Jayden doesn't deserve that shi* !! He's a good kid love him x
Haha I'm not blind I know that for a fact!!
You are clearly blind tho :) silly x
Emma's to scared to hit me plus Emma is scared of me haha :') Emma won't do shi*
Oh hey Phillip and really... True I guess I miss him too :)
Tbh I do miss him alot !!! We used to always e talking and now it's like we're strangers, I miss the good times we had.. I have alot of memories with michael and I just miss calling him mine I guess because he knew how to make me happy and as much as this may sound crazy at my age I did love him :')
Clearly you don't know maddi well, maybe she has been through her bad times but everyone does.. There's no need to Bit** about her on here and ill listen to what you have to say when your not to scared to take it off anon. Maddi is an amazing girl on the inside just maybe get to know her because I have known her for about 6 years now.
Well he's a cool kid easy to get along with :) he gets mad quiet easily but it's funny :') umm oh yeah I'm gonna miss him loads!! But I hope we can still chat :) x
I have been out with a couple but it also doesn't matter who, my most serious one was michael skerry :)
Your so scared..
Take it off anon and say it or say it to my face.
Aww x. Thanks anon
Lawl no. No she isn't not at all !!
What's it to you ??
No no no. It's the other way round actually .. Trust me I know I am no better than anyone else and please have nothin to say unless you take it off anon xoxo
Are you ??
Good for you
Does your puppa root your as* ?
Thanks pal x
Inbox me .. An I adore people for just wing them selves trust me !! And I'm not mean I won't laugh xo
Thanks anon <3
Is that is what she thinks and believes then so be it :') lawwl
Something lawl :')
Britney wilde
Maddi Mottram
Chloe Bourne
Jackson Kidd
Jarred white
Tbh- I don't hate anyone that I don't have a problem with :) and it would have to be a pretty bad reason for me to hate someone :')
What's with me ?? Nothing's with me it's just te fact that she is picking sides on something that has nothing to do with her.
It's funny because I don't actually swear heaps I only swear when I'm mad :)
That's lovely to know but a little creepy :)
Well clearly you don't have the guts to say it with out being on anon so nar I'm right bby :') xoxo
Well she's really pretty infact she's wait idyl she's always been there for me and I can trust her with anything love her to bits !! Xo
Haha not really but thanks xx
Good to be around
Always there for me
Love her !! X
Love her to bits anyone f***s with her and they'll have me to deal with I have always been there for maddi and ill never give up on that beautiful girl she's like my sister known her for years !!
Anons are scared
Have you ??