Yeah, facebook shows U're no longer friends Mona. So it seems am not the only one who has not noticed that. Should we say U did not notice that?
Na i did not notice dat and its news to me, bt am sure she has a gud reason fo doing dat.
Ekise replied
4904 days ago
I've been wondering. U seem not to be friends with Mona, why is that?
Is dat so?
Ekise replied
4904 days ago
Do u trust ur boyfrnd?
I jst dnt see how dats any of ur business, dats btwn me and him.
Ekise replied
4912 days ago
Who are you dating currently
Edit Ellen Elka Simbota's profile on fb, u wil get ur answer.
Ekise replied
4914 days ago
y r u owez after my men?
Wat the hell? Whosoeva u r am sure u and i dnt hav thngs in common so how the hell would i b afta ur man or men if u have mo dan one! Oh piliz!
Ekise replied
4914 days ago
What was your craziest moment?
My craziest moment is my saddest moment so i dnt wanna remember it now.
Ekise replied
4915 days ago
What is the best thing that ever happened to U?
There are plenty of thngs that i consider the best that eva happened to me.
Ekise replied
4915 days ago
Where is ur best male friend livs & learns
How do u even knw i hav one?
Ekise replied
4915 days ago
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Loving, talkative, interesting.
Ekise replied
4919 days ago
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
That I was dating a certain guy on campus.
Ekise replied
4919 days ago
have u ever been kissed?
Yeah! Why do u ask?
Ekise replied
4919 days ago