Hmmm if I may ask, out of all the guys you liked/dated who had the best personality :P
Please answer truthfully :D I'm probably not the only one wondering
Hhmmmmm don\'t you think that\'s personal though????*
Hey Elaine stay amazing and super awesome !!don't let these guys hurt you cuse they just a waste of time!!!stay super pretty:D
Ahw thanks!!!!!...I know who you are!!!....thanks for always being there for me!!!!* ((HUG))
HeY elainQ((BRAAA))_wil net se jy n awesome maiQ !! Tnx vi al die meMories wat oz saam het..!* laff you a lot_like yelly Tots !! :)
Heyyyyyyyy BRAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!.....thanks bja MaiQiiii!!!!!.....thanks vir al die grappies wat ons saam kan he ....en saam my ...ons self kan wees!!!......Wufffff you!!!!!!!*
Hoekom will jy weet?? Jy weet hoe ek is ....*
Wate hell dit dom hoor rerig......*
Jap ek wl rrg wet wat het tussen juw en wandre gebeur asb
Se my eers wie is jy??*
Dit isi stupid nie .... Julle twee isi saam nie.
Wie is jy????????....want soz rerig??????*
Haiii maatjiiie...!!!* thanxiies vir alles wat jy vimy doen...!!* ke waardee dit super bja...!!!* ons maatjiieskap beteken rrg super bja vimy..!!* en jy is super spesiminiaal...!!* lovies vijou maatjiiiee!!!!.... ((Hug)) Gen.......
Thanks Gen.......Wufff you my sussa\'Qiii........thanks vir jou ook my maQiii!!!!......J beteken baie ve my!!!.......En altyd daar ve my!!!!!!* ((Hug))
Wandre did not deserve u...
Why not???????????Who\'s this??*
Jy en claudio isi saam nie ......Dan kan ek hom bbm pin kry asb?
Wate hell?????.....wie is jy???????*Jigig.........dit nou net stupid hoor!!!!!!!!*
Out of all the guys that you've met or dated, who has the best personality and can keep you smiling?
My friends!!!......... :D
Asb ek wl weet asb elainq
Wat wil j weet jngi???......Wie is jy???*
You know how much I love talking to you? A LOT!
Cause your so amazing!
Ahwww that\'s so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....thanks a lot!!!.......Who\'s this???*
Wl nt se eks weer eens jamer oor als wat gebeur ht en eks bly als is nou wee reg (jy weet seke wie prt )
JOHANDRE!!!!!!!!!!!!.....thanks jngi!!!....jy sal altyd n deel van my Hart\'Qiii bly jngi!!!......ek bly als is nou weer reg jngi!!!.....
Why do so many guys like you... I don't stand to good of a chance :/
Nahhhhh man!!!!!!!!!!....trust me.....there ain\'t so many guys that like me....Who are you though???*
Hai da wat ht gebeur tussen jou en wandre
Wil j rerig weet?*
I'll ping you on bbm and tell you who loves you hey?
Yes do that please??.....:)
Well if I was to say I really like you what would you say :P cause your Amazing :D
Hhhmmmm........who\'s this???...tell me on bbm please!!!!!*;)
Hi Elaine , I'm sure you know who this is by now. Stay amazing and don't let any guy take advantage of you , oky? Claudio97
I won\'t ....thanks I Appreciate!!!!*
Aloha , Miss you girl . How is Life Treating you? Claudio97
Aahhh......fine thanks
You are an amazing person and soooo pretty!! Super se*y girl!! ;)
Ahwwww thanks!!!!!* ;)
Hello, I know who loves you. Want to know?
YES please??*
Is j kwaad vr Antoinette
If Claudio were to ask you to be his again, what would you say?
Relationships takes time......
Hkm wil j ni met wandre praat en als net agter die rug sit ni !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Want ek is nie n persoon wat vinnig vergeet en vergewe nie......*Veral nie goed wat seer maak nie
Who are you dating and why?
I\'m single