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amuse me xxx

74 Replies

Ily a trilly Chloe.99.9

aw you x

ElementalMink93 replied 4037 days ago 1

You're fab c: Chloe.99.9

ily Chloe xx

ElementalMink93 replied 4037 days ago

What is missing in your life?


ElementalMink93 replied 4037 days ago

You're my inspaion.


ElementalMink93 replied 4112 days ago

why you alway threat girls so nice? but don't date them?

because, I'm not good at asking girls out. But I prefer girls who play/watch soccer (football)

ElementalMink93 replied 4112 days ago

How do you tell someone they have bad breath?

You stink dude. ;)

ElementalMink93 replied 4137 days ago

Thoughts on Eliza Symes?

She's so beautiful, only met her once, she was great mother for Logan, I love her for her personality :)

ElementalMink93 replied 4137 days ago

So we got our suits today and looked all fancy and shi*,
How do you feel about doing the deb Anthony?

I'm ready!

ElementalMink93 replied 4138 days ago

who would win
slender man or freddy Krueger
and how do you think one of them would win?

Slender man

ElementalMink93 replied 4139 days ago

I Have anger issues

Me too

ElementalMink93 replied 4139 days ago

Do blind people have dreams?

Yes, yes

ElementalMink93 replied 4139 days ago

Thoughts on Thomas McClure?

He's unquotes person, just retard person, who need help from people, Only missing girls but only want her for se*. :~)

ElementalMink93 replied 4139 days ago

One day my friend one day we will have an awesome party! :)


ElementalMink93 replied 4141 days ago

I see dead people

WHOO, that's awesome! ;)

ElementalMink93 replied 4142 days ago

Do you believe in people who just go away and don't say Goodbye
Do you believe that they could just do that to someone
Can you imagine the pain that person goes through not knowing what to do?


ElementalMink93 replied 4142 days ago