Follow me on Instagram please
What's the name x
Hottest guy in your class next year char_mudge
Idk I have a bad class haha
Hottest guy in ensemble char_mudge
Copycat but Chris
Who's your BFF?
Ramanika and Marie
Fav colour?
Red-pink or rose gold
Fav item of clothing?
Idk haha all of them
Fav accessory?
My necklace with an E on it
Fav food?
Pasta or Israeli salad
Last song you played before replying to this ?
The slim shady one
least favourite person in vyt?
Do you ever get insecure because marie is so hot ;) I would ;;;;;;)))
wow marie prettyyyyyy subtleeeee
Isn't marcus just an unhelful sl.ut??
yes ahahaahahahahasha
Prank calling people isnt very funny Eli
It's pretty funny when you believe it
Why is Alex O'Neill at your house??? something you want to tell us ;)
Um he's not?? What are you talking about?
Your music taste is horrible
excuse me defying gravity is life
Is your year going great ?
yea i guess
You sure Marcus is not your most attractive guy friend?
Definitely in fact he might be my uglyliest friend
You said it was "different" >;(
Yes cause it IS different
How do you feel about making Marcus sad by being mean about his haircut?
I wasn't mean I said it was nice
Who is your most attractive guy friend?
Not you Marcus so shut up
What do you hate about yourself ?
My insecurities lololol
Chicken butter
marcus is a fat retard
Potato salad and butter chuicken
How does no braces feel>
feels pretty good aha nice and smooth
Who is your most attractive friend ;)
none of my friends are attractive ;)
Closest Mck friends ??
ram, marie, ellie, xiner,anna, helen, marcus, ange
How do you deal with a break up ?
ive never had a break up
How are you so fckn pretty ???? !!!!! ????
lolol idk xo
5 best friends?
ram, marie, cathy, saskia, ellie
Thoughts on Alex boul and josh boul
ummm aha they are pretty cool kids :P i guess aha
hows your hook** bra
pretty goood aha i got another one
whos ur favourite singer
taylor swift, eminem, katy perry, hilltop hoods
who do you hate the most in our year level
are u still friends with alex oneil
do you like twins ;)
haha sure they are double the fun ;)
How Curtis?
idk pretty good i guess
Best friends in order?
i dont have an order
Thoughts on cinti
lol hi eb
What new friends have you made this year?
Um Ellie, Anna, Xiner, Ange, Marcus, Hayley, Alex B, Josh B, Hamish, Gabi, Teresa, idk lots aha
Hahaha why is everyone so obsessed with uour thought on jacinta ??-you know who
Haha yea ik who u r and idk lol
thoughts on Jacinta?
Admiiiiiiiiiit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Lololol idk
You are so pretty !!!
Thx bae ❤❤❤❤
Do you like your friends this year or last year better
This year probs
3 best friends?
Ram, Marie, Cathy
Thought on Marie?? xx
She's my bae idk what I would do without her
Are you friends with Jacinta
Marcus is so hot right?
Lol plz no lies
Thoughts on Ellie Oliver xx
She is so sweet and crazy but I love it haha I think we r becoming really close and I love her ❤❤
What happened between you and jascinta
There is no s in Jacinta
Who was the last person to call you?
Ellie Maree lolol