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Elias Hodkinson


Chains and whips excite me. Ravish me red.

120 Replies

lol what a jealous poo dradelaide

Hahah this in regards to that other bloke who said I was stuck up?

EliasHodkinson replied 4018 days ago 1

The greatest moment in your life ?

Greatest moment in my life so far would definitely have to be going to America with my best friends!!

EliasHodkinson replied 4018 days ago

You are a ****ing gorgeous boy Elias! I can't wait until you finish school and get away from all the blind girls at our stupid as* school, go to uni and find the HOTTEST girl ever who will be amazing in bed and be your ****ing soul mate (y)

Well I hope Uni works out! Lol Thankyou.

EliasHodkinson replied 4021 days ago

Who makes you happy?

Dark chocolate, music, friends, family, warm beds, hugs, flirting, finishing an assessment, Tumblr, doing things myself, finishing what i put my mind to, YouTube, sports and traveling.

EliasHodkinson replied 4021 days ago

Your loss! She could do better than you anyway...

Definitely my loss. I am sure she definitely could.

EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago 1

She's got a great personality you know, I think you have heaps in common! :)


EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago

Fiona Wilton is a nice girl, you should give her a chance

No. Stahp.

EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago

Do you wanna build a snowman? Torz1996

Or ride our bikes across the something.

EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago

Can you buy me flowers like you bought Shana Wilcox flowers? I promise I'll appreciate them and not throw them in the bin like her?

Lol thats a nice thing to know.

EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago

I heard you gained chlamydia off Shana Wilcox, is this true?

Very. It was a hard time for both of us.

EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago

I heard you had a thing with Fiona Wilton, can you please confirm this?

Absolutely not!

EliasHodkinson replied 4024 days ago 1

True you can..
But to be truthful not all dreams come true.
I dream to be a millionaire and marry a *exy as* guy that's a millionaire too. But that not working out too well...

Who is this? Inbox me? I cannot be bothered using Qoohme anymore -.-

EliasHodkinson replied 4025 days ago

Tomorrow you should ask out the very first girl you see

That may not be the best idea. Would be some funny results. Might do it why not! YOLO!

EliasHodkinson replied 4025 days ago

People can't fly Elias...
Were you expecting magic?

In my dreams they can. I can dream Harold!

EliasHodkinson replied 4025 days ago

Well I don't know either!!

It is probably because I am not putting in any effort and just expecting someone to just fly out of no where. Maybe.

EliasHodkinson replied 4025 days ago