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Not you
Buy a lot of lottery tickets and people to scratch the scratchy things for me so that then I'll get money for other days and I don't like scratching the scratchy things. Or I'd probably just buy lots of cool stuff Maybe I could buy some things I could sell on other days so I still have lots of money Then with the lots of money I have, I'd donate some But I'd also buy some cool things for my friends and I.
Not enough
Being rich without working :P and being able to travel xD Or maybe an actress or a doctor or travel show host who gets paid well or something :P Or to be a hippy.
When I meet someone worthy of my greatness :3 Or you know, just when I have someone I love and want to spend my life with etc etc.
Depends on what they did. But if this is who I think it is and the last thing I said to you was something like "Don't you dare ever talk to me again", then go away.
A Dalek telling me that my mobile is ringing and to answer of "You will be exteeeeeeeerminated!"
Bo and Sunny, Obama's dogs :P
Haha, my boyfriends are in the past :P and the past is in the past ^_^ For the other question, ask Johanna xD Hahaha
To Travel everywhere. And to study something to do with Ancient History :) And to have pet cats and ski. ^_^
I heard a rumor once that I was pregnant :P Hahaha Nah, they're all pretty ridiculous.
I think some people think I'm annoying, but hate is a strong word :) If someone does hate me, tell me, I do try to be nice to everyone :)
There's been ridiculous rumors and annoying people, but I wouldn't say I've exactly been bullied. Although there was a really mean year 3 kid when I was in kindergarten and she didn't like Amy and I. She tried to get us off the monkey bars! D:
I don't even know what to say about that. Haha, sorry Jess, not really my type xD :P
Me, in being awesome. Hahaha, nah, I'd say Damian in Maths or Alan in one of the sciences.
I do both :) Though I prefer skiing because I've skied for longer.
Maybe become an Archaeologist or a Curator? :) Honestly I want to travel, ski and have pet cats, those are the three things I'm sure of :P
I have, I think Johanna has, although I'm half asleep and can't remember xD
Yeah, I'm okay :)
Telekinesis ^_^
Thanks so much! ^_^
Thanks so much! ^_^
Spider-Man has some decent sass...
Running out of Nutella, when my cats are sad, when book/game/movie/tv show characters die, when I finish a good book/game/movie/tv show.
Tell me who you are, maybe we can chat :)
I do like pears! I also like bananas, I had grilled banana toast for dinner :)
Hang on, more than a friend as in you like me? How interesting :) Unless you're an ex of mine or something, you should tell me as a non-anonymous! Either way, if you're from school and you want to be friends, just come along to hang out with us (we hang out at the science block).
Yeah :)
Oooh, cool :)
Oxygen and Potassium went on a date, it went OK :)
I was going to respond with a really funny joke about amnesia but then I forgot about it...
Ooooh, ummm, everything! ^_^ I like wearing happy goth, normal goth, steampunk, surfey styles, jeans and t-shirt, a little bit hipster sometimes! I like to change around a bit :)
Yay! ^_^
Ahahahaha! What happened to the mushroom that double parked? It became a towedstool! xD
Umm, I'd have to say black and white cats :) But I love all cats! And all animals!