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Of course :)
Amaaazing <3 :)
I have soooo many great friends, but I would have to say Chantelle, Tamara, My boyfriend Mattie and my sister <3 they are such amazing people and I'm very luck to have them xxxx
I didn't have "those" feelings.
Yes, omg how did you know?
When I first saw him I though, ****, i want that boy! haha, and then we had our first date and it was really fun, then the more and more we saw eahcother, the more i started liking him, then really liking him, then he told me he loved me and It felt right to say it back because I loved him :) and yeah I still do after 17 months
The world <3
I would like to be a primary school teacher, or work in a kindergarden :) so much fun!
Not as beautifulas you ;) thanks xx
Ellen Jade Hinrichsen... GAAY
Aw! Thankyou :) x