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I dont know :P
Cassie, Gemma, Gabby, bella
Luke Horvath, Brayden Fenwick Fabian, Riley Dastey, sam Fennell, Rhys Nightingale, Daniel Bradford
Sam Fennell
Boys girls or both
Jemma! Hahah
Same as last one gabby Cassie Gemma wall and Elliah
Would we just hahah
I think I know who this is hahah
Tbh you're great to be around and good to talk to I can trust you with everything and you're just a good person:) I'm not really sure who you'd be cute with sorry
You're really nice and I can trust you with heaps of stuff!! You're a good person to talk to and to be around!:)
You're really nice but I'm not really that close to you
Tbh: you're the best person ever! You're always Here for me and I can trust you with everything. And you're amazing at basketball and cricket;) hahah. And you're the best sister ever!!! Cute with:Cooper Robbins
Not in order Gemma wall Cassie Gabby Elliah I'm not sure who the 5th one is