You stunning xo
Thank you xx
Best friend?
Thea and Josh
What is the happiest thing that has happened to you in the past 24 hours?
How old were you when your mom died. Babes I'm here for you❤️❤️❤️You are going to be an amazing women love you. Forget about these btchy cowards
Please message me as to who you are - thank you so much for this ! ❤️ I was 13 x
What needs to stop ?
A lot of things - but one important thing would be to stop judging others based on what you hear from other people, or just judging people in general. Everyone is fighting their own battle - don't judge them for it.
Your mother would be so proud of you Emma :) don't let the haters get to you. You are phenomenal :)
Just made my day - thank you so much xx
Do you drink?
Everyone drinks in order to survive - be more specific next time
Are you coming to York ?
Dm me
This is a random question sorry for asking you but is your brother with anyone atm?
No idea soz
Don't listen to anything these idiots say?
Thanks boo ?
i fcken hate you
Thats nice as long as you enjoy it
you are a little kak ugly midget
Surgery can fix it all, but it definitely cannot fix your btchyness.
So you don't trust Luke Parker??
That's non of your concern bud ?
What do you never trust?
What makes you genuinely happy?
My special person
I miss you Emma❤️
Most probably miss you too, message me x
Em emm or emmm? (Emmmmmmmmm?)
Emm ? ( gaan weg, ek weet wie dit is)
Are you coming to York? Pleasee come ?
Already answered / Dm me. There's a possibility x
Are you coming to York? Pleasee come ?
Dm me, and I'll explain the whole story to you x
What disease did you give luke while hooking up with him ?
You're so beautiful.. I enjoyed seeing you
Thank you, who is this though ? X
Joel Veysie ?
Such a cool kiddddd x
Luke Parker?
favorite person. ?
What common thing have you never done?
Never Bought Adidas superstars
When I first saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl ever?❤️
Please message me, thank you ! ?
I still hate you
Feelings most probably still mutual
I dont but I guess thats true for most people on here but i just wanna say i think you are beautiful and i would really like to get to know you personally ?
Dm me as to who you are and we can see. ?
how old is your brother
Same age as me
how old is your brother
Same age as me
how old are you
Same as my brother
Are you coming to York ?
Dm me
Why are you single?
I don't know
Let's just say that you might not be able to wear the same clothes after I'm done ;)
hahaha funny, you're not doing anything to me ? Better luck next time ?
Let's just say that you might not be able to wear the same clothes after I'm done ;)
hahaha funny, you're not doing anything to me ? Better luck next time ?
? knew you'd say that, ah if you only knew who this was
Okay ?
I'd get pretty dirty with you... just saying
Sooorrry, but the feeling just aint mutual ??
Miss our phone calls?
Shame man x
Who's the someone special
He knows who he is, but it you should know by now (:
Who do you like
Someone special
What guy do you know that you would like to get close with
No idea
People comment horrible things on here xx
Yes yes they do xx
Do you dislike anyone
Not really, no
Why don't you message me
I dont know who you are
Why don't you message me
I dont know who you are
Can't say my name soz
How do you expect us to be friends then?
Would love to make friends just think the hate is too strong.
Message me x
Best friend ?
Girl : Clarice Austin & Giv Howorth
Boy : Jonathan Van Den Dolder ❤️
How did your mom did
DM me.
Two girls in your class you're getting close with you didn't speak to previously?
Quite a few
Stop trying to get in the way of people, you've fcked a lot up for a few people now.
Like i said previously , pleaae grow up and stop hiding behind an anonymous social media and either say it to my face, or dm me. Have a good day sweetheart. (:
You fake
You're so real, a real A$$ ?
You always getting in the way of people.
Please grow up and DM me and not hide behind anonymous social media (:
Why do so many people hate you?
I dont know (:
Grab the closest book , turn to pg 23 and type out the 17th line
no thanks
Emma you are so beautiful
I really love your perspective and the way you see things , it's so positive and it's really amazing.We honestly need more people like you!
fck all the hate you don't deserve it
I hope you are having an amazing day ❤️
You've just made my day, thank you so much. Please message me or dm me if you dont have my number! You are one special person! Xx
you're quite extremely beautiful! Did you know that?
Thank you so much - no i didnt know that x
You a very pretty girl
Dont let anyone ever bring you down
You a star
I just wanto hug you now!
Even tho we have never met you and only follow you on social media
Thank you x
People tell me you seek attention, true?
I dont think its true - but why should it be wrong to seek attention ? just because we have been brought up in a society where so called "attention seeking " is wrong, yet maybe its a persons cry for help. I mean its not like when you hungry you dont seek for food , as its a need and dont get judged for it, so maybe open up and look at things at a different perspective and stop listening to what other people have to say about a person (:
When I see you my blood begins to boil
Agh shame man
I hate you a lot x
The feeling is most probably 100% mutual
Hey were you from?
Dm me lol
Nick kingston?
Hardly know him - seems cool
Dink jy eks hot? Skalkie
ek weet nie wie jy is nie
What were you doing seven years ago?
Started grade 3 ?
What is a waste of money to you?
Who is that maybe that you like ?
Dm me ?
Is there anyone you like ?
Maybe not ?
Are you dating anyone ?
Nooope , single pringle is the waaay to goooooo ✨
Hey send me your no
Dm me (: x
Chayse Norris? Yes or no?
Yes, he is a great guy ?
Which country are you from and which country would you like to visit ?
South africa - Italy
Do u enjoy the feeling of rusty pencils against your huge nips
i wouldnt know - never had it. Soz bruh.
Your words are treat for the fingers, u might as well be a alligator whisperer.
Looking gud
must be blind - but thanks x
Can't wait to bring you that mcdeez order?
Fetty for life ✌?
What is your New Year's resolution?
Still working on that
You, my girl...are so special❤
Thank youuuu
You, my girl...are so special❤
Thank you ❤️
How much do you have in your bank account ?
A number with 4 digits
Why so beautiful?? and I'm not lying
You're lying - but thank you ?
You honestly think you're never gonna give a bj one day. Shame.
Not saying i wont - but i wont be doing it any time soon. Its called self respect. Its not a shame. (: sorry babes
Spit or swallow
Wouldnt do what you referring to, so none (:
I'll be dirty with you?
good for you ?
I'll be dirty with you?
good for you ?
I want to fck you
Thanks for that buddy (:
Would you lick A$$
No thanks
Would you ever give a guy a bj?
What's pissing you off right now ?
Rather not say
Jordan Paton.. ?
Dont know him?
My girl, you're so beautiful!?
Ahhhh, thank you ! ..xx
Jordan paton?!
Who dat, who dat?