Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
5am in the morning and the fresh sun beams through my bare window. The sun rays hit the light wooden floor then reflect onto the cream white walls. I'm sitting the the middle of the room on an old wooden stool Infront of a matching sand holding a plain white canvas. I fix my white cream dress as I plug my earphones into my phone and listen to the grand piano play. I wait until 5:15am and that's when the light from the floor reflects onto my pail skin and white canvas. The warmth of the sun inspires my mind endlessly with the images of elegance and pain painted onto the canvas. I paint away and that's my ideal day.
Haha I mean anyone other than my family! My fam is always there for me!!
Surprisingly I miss you more than anyone... Lol what? Though I do like it up here! Ive made a few friends but they're great!
The definition of miss is; notice the loss or absence. I do notice you aren't here but it's not classified a loss or absence if you were never really there. No one was really there for me. No one.
lamborghini murcielago. Matte Black
I would book out wet 'n' wild all to myself, then invite everyone to have a sick afternoon and movie night in the wave pool!
The grinch
I thought that said Santa.. Hahaha! I'm doing so well!! Passed out from the heat a few times but it's good to be home!!
Rachel burns, my old fridge and everyone I saw on the weekdays..
My food
By getting the hell out of this town!
Funeral home director...
I'm glad someone understands and is kind enough to send this. Thankyou for the contribution to making me have hope in humanity :)
You're always there for me homie. Thankyou so much for your support
It's not that I don't love him. I'm just not emotionally stable to have a relationship. I tried until the very last day of school. I tried so hard until the last moments until I realised it was unfair for me to continue the relationship any longer and end up hurting Casey more. I have no regrets. I enjoyed every minute of the time we spent together and I will keep the memories with me forever. And as for some of his friends that are giving me the cold shoulder; I'm not going to apologise for what I did because It was the right thing to do.
professional makeup artist Ill get to make people confident about how the look so their inner beauty can grow.
Well.. Truthfully I don't care now but thanks so much Brenton :)
My ringtone is called old phone. So it's pretty old and boring. It's just as boring as my convocations.
1. Why were you looking up my name in google images ???
A guy who can be my homie, lover and friend.. So bassicly the Casey seymour type.
Yes yes. We shall be friends oh friendly one
I don't know why you did two but the love I feel right now is the same amount of love I feel for hamburgers. that's saying something xx
I can feel the love xx
That's a statement not a question but I don't mind having in no friends :)
Do I realy need to? It's not like Ill dress up for all those as* like students to impress them like half the carrot skinned *****es in that prison like school
We've drifted though it doesn't mean you're not my favourite girl ever! You s*ck and I hate you, therefore I love you <3
When will you save me?
My hair I guess
To difficult to answer
Idk idk idk. Don't do drugs. God bless you ★彡
I've got a sleeping disorder, so whenever my body demands it.
That's a statement, not a question. Plus you're sounding a little possessive.. Also I'm not that close with Brenton. Though if you meant it like I'm "hanging around him" kinda close, then ill tell you that Im only around him during lunches when playing handball with the boys. We don't talk that much and I don't intentionally play handball to get close to him, it's just to have fun. Yeah Brenton was the first one who got me to join handball but even if Brenton wasn't at school, I would still join in because that's what I'm always there for. I also get close to Shaun, joey, matt, bailey, ect just as much as I get close to Brenton, though they, others and even Casey don't mind. so I don't see the problem. You can debate with me about this and if you want, I would appreciate it if you told me more of your thoughts about this issue since you know so much.. (OMG such a long reply! Soz) Thanks for telling me, God bless ya!! x
Jesus! He inspires me to love, support, reach out and touch peoples hearts whilst making smiles apon saddened faces, ect ~( * 3*)~ <3
SOZ but The Matthews family is to awesome for wodonga so we're moving XD lol
OH! Haha no we were never fwb and never will be
Because my dad is in the army and the army needs us to move for dad to continue his work. Or in short, the Matthews family is to awesome to be living in wodonga ;)
What's fwb... ??
Flys because I'm scared that they carry botfly eggs.. :(
This was so long ago.. But saying something like that.. Wow.. Then you would still be the best person p) to the u) to the n) to the c) to the h)
I recommend not because At the moment, I only have time for close family members.. And dear friends....
It took me 132 days to answer this but the reason why is because I hate myself.. I wish I wasn't hear.. I take myself away from others for not only my sale but for theirs..
*You're* xxo
Yes I am and I'm proud
No… Ew! I know that Jane matthews is though…!
It's not your fault… it's got nothing to do with you
Brenton…. I don't like hugs and I don't like being touched… can't you just leave it at that.
I don't like to be touched for personal reasons…
Im not to happy with the fact that you ask this question without thinking… I could have had a really bad past, I could have been se*ually as*aulted or raped. Did you ever think that if any of these were true For anyone, that they would share them with the world?… no. So please think next time. Thank you ^-^
He's a great person to be around and actually pretty funny :)
Sure! Free hugs! <3