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Emily Peterson


Unicorns. Yes Unicorns. Well ask me stuff, tell me stuff, confess stuff, whatever floats your boat I suppose. ;x

372 Replies

Your most embarrassing moment ?

God know, giving birth? :')

Emily.Janeee replied 3121 days ago

If you lost everything tomorrow, whose arms would you run into to make everything ok ?

No one I hate crying to people lol

Emily.Janeee replied 3216 days ago

What is your idea of perfect happiness ?

Perfect family

Emily.Janeee replied 3229 days ago

Were you on the pill when you got pregnant


Emily.Janeee replied 3234 days ago

Your son is pure perfection he is so adorable congrats

Awh thank you :*

Emily.Janeee replied 3234 days ago

Last great thing you did ?

Gave birth

Emily.Janeee replied 3234 days ago

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?

Eyes, smile and humor

Emily.Janeee replied 3239 days ago

What cheers you up ?

My son <3

Emily.Janeee replied 3246 days ago

Describe your life in 3 words

Pre great tbh

Emily.Janeee replied 3264 days ago

How do you want people to treat you ?


Emily.Janeee replied 3280 days ago

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

Otherside bye Macklemore

Emily.Janeee replied 3286 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

My anxiaty.

Emily.Janeee replied 3292 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?

97 :(

Emily.Janeee replied 3322 days ago

Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?

Idk, I always end up forgiving everyone for everything eventually, but people that try **** with my relationships (friends, family, boyfriend)

Emily.Janeee replied 3362 days ago

A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?

Tiesh Scott :')

Emily.Janeee replied 3369 days ago 1