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Not going to name the person. But there is onr person.
****ing hate that thing. Hope it ****ing does or I will have someone ****ing kill it. It is a ****ing ***** and I ****ing hate her. So **** her. Why can't it just go ****ing burn in the middle of a ducking desert. No one would even ****ing care.
Dont have one
Did some stupid stuff
Yes. I'm not just going to let someone die infront of me. I'd help them if I could.
Sometimes size does matter. but sure. Come to my house tomorrow. I live at 211 bank street. South melbourne. Vic. 3205
People. Money. Holidays. Sleep. My dog. *ex.
Kill Brigitte keep Alisia.
That I'm a **** or *****.
My phone.
Liv Alisia Brigitte
My dog. He's worth $10000000000000
Brigitte Alisia liv
Love her. Funniest person
A human of the opposite s e x whose name starts with M. and I love him a lot.
Punch Swear
Yeah. The father is a guy named Will and she got pregnant in his Lamborghini
Because it's funny what some people will believe...
Pissed off but good.
Well I usually go to sleep any time from 10pm - 2am
So many people.
Something called sarcasm and a joke. #stalkermuch
Think what you want. I am not going to try and change your mind because people can think what they want.
No. I am still a virgin. I have not had *ex yet. 1. It's just gross to do it at 14. 2. It's kinda illegal at this age 3. I'm not a ****.
We use to argue but now we are friends. She's really funny. And she cut her hair off so now she pulls mine.
I want 2.
Way too many to name. It would take me hours to say everyone.
Don't have one. There are too many.
It's a really long story but it is about trust and a lot of other **** that has happened.
Of you chop your **** off, does it grow back?
I don't care what you think.
To be able to read peoples mind or to be able to time travel.
Certain things.
Because i have spoken to hunter.
Thank you. You can think what ever you want to and I never wanted anyone to know but someone told another person and soon the word got out. You may think you know what happened but so many rumors have been spread no on really knows what happened.
Idk. If she is gonna be a mother does that answer you question.
I an not sure.
I'm guessing his is about Octavia. Yes and no.
Things that annoy me.
About an hour ago.
Sometimes really ****ing annoying but she is nice. She is soo innocent.
Maybe, maybe not.
Poo to you too
If depends on who you are.
I'm not sure. The next one that I like.
Many people.
Already answered. Brigitte, Steph, Marz
Dylan. Last year.
Emily Hartley
I'm not sure yet.
The person that can always make me laugh.
The people I can trust.
I did trust my boyfriend.
How annoying they can be.
To be honest I have no idea.
Some makeup and where I get my hair done.
If you are still in love with them and they are still in love with you. And you both are single. I think it would be fine.
29 seconds.
I don't want to say because that is a bit racist.
I don't just have one best friend I have three. Steph, Brigitte. Mario
Clothes. Well actucually pyjamas.
That life can turn upside down very easily.
If I had to choose I would pick Laura.
A lot of my friends have very funny laughs. None of them are really annoying.
I don't know
No one. But my parents don't actually know me that well. I would say my best friend.
That's for me and my thoughts to know only
Can I go back to sleep now.
If you love them. Don't let them go.
None of your business.
To be happy
You say you need a mint
How should I know
That's for me to know and for you not to find out