Emily Jillings
out of your ex's has there been one that you loved?
have you ever had *ex with black guy before ?
I've wanted to have *ex with you for a while but havnt really talked to you recently
well, a way to a girls heart isnt by having *ex with them but feel free to inbox me.
What would you like to ask God?
Why is he f u c k i n g up my love life ?
How many roots are you on?
None of business
Would you do da nasty with chocolate
What is the kinkiest thing youve done ?
I havnt done much
Would you go chocolate
What is that even mean
youre the best I ever had
Thanks :) I would say the same but I don't know who this is
if you could **** anyone who would it be and why?
Kevin Proctor because hot and a gun on the field !
how many times a day do you think about *ex?
None I don't think about it as much as people think
how was your nap?
Lonely :(
You have the best rack :O
Thanks :)
I'll come over and point it out to you ;)
Your a f*cking hottie, keen
Aww thanks :)
You do have a b*m!
prove i do
It's starts with a k and ends with a e
It exists! ;)
excuse me ?
Your as* is incredible, same with your t***! 👌
i don't have a b*m its non existent
Why won't you reply back to me on facebook :(
tell me who you are ?
You're a great root! 😉
Thoughts on Zane Mansfield
best kid i have ever met ! miss that kid heaps tho !
thoughts on j finn
who's that ?
You have the best ****ing body ;)
thank you :)
I think youd be an amazing root
shannon swallow?
that girl is my ****ing all, i would be lost with out her, i love her so much !
Long time ago we used to talk and both wanted to root eachother... Just letting you know i still wanna root ya! You up for it? ;)
Uhm... Who is this
Have snapchat ?
jake bird ?
Sweet kid, we have had our ups and downs but he means well and is always there for people no matter what !
Would ya root him?
Nah we're too good of friends
Josh cook?
Known the kid since I was little, good kid an my new neighbour, nice and good looking
Heard you like having your as* smacked? ;)
Do you ? ;)
From reading this thing you lie and your a ****
im a what ?
You are one of the most beautiful girls i have ever seen :) xx
aww thank you :) xx
And I'm yet to show you ;)
show me soon ;)
send nudes to everyone!
not a chance
Someone you wish had of asked you out but it never happened?
i dunno hard to say
I've told you in intricate detail before what I'm going to do ;)
you have ? ;)
Furthest you've gone with a guy? *exually
im not a virgin so..
I'm going to do bad things to you ;)
oh really ;) tell me more