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i think i know exactly who you are and i think you should just leave myself and my boyfriend alone. anyone who is truly my friend knows that i just like spending time with him, i make time for my other friends whenever possible. you try so hard to create drama, nobody asked for it.
i think we all do our best to keep our boyfriend/girlfriends opinions in mind when we make decisions, however i still have complete freedom of choice when it comes to me and tristian. a relationship means you take their opinions seriously though, and that is something i do when i make decisions.would i have made different decisions? maybe. do i have regrets? no.
please leave my b*mhole alone.
thats awesome
thats nice.
jesus i four best friends that are girls so it must be one of you.... Mikayla alway, corak robinson alex lester and alex pitt
thats our business, not yours :)
actually, devin, i am so much better at checkers than you
accept it. :)
mmm who is this, i just might
my life is goood, usually ahha
couple rough spots lately, but everything works out in the end right?
oh i love these.
Items: lighter(fire obvs), sunblock (pastyprobs, gotta have it) , first aid kit(id get hurt alot), bait (for the fishing rod), fishing rod(to catch fish to eat).
people: tristian(deserted island cuddle time :* ;) ), mantracker (he can find shi*), iron man (can fly and get help) dude with the bow on avengers (hawkeye i think or something.. he can shoot shi*) and probs like, dog the bounty hunter. hes strong.
To get to africa this february and climb the shi* out of Mount Kenya/
all the training im doing will hopefully pay off in a few months :)
lots of people. my mom mostly.
i try :*
jk i do not try, hence my se*ual hur
ooouh you restricted my opinion so i cannot say
Grade nine- Libby Moran (doesnt go to st pats though)
Grade ten- Brooke Parsons
11- My boyfriend :)
12- travis
ahahahahhahahahahahhahaha whoever this is, your ridiculous ;)
i still refuse to have relations with said people.
control your v*****.
ni have a boyfriend, therefore i would not have relationships with any of the above.
cause im an as*hole
travis is one of my best friends, one of the best, kindest, funniest and sincerest people i know. hes far from a loser.
probs my cousin brooke, or travis tetrault, hes a good friend of mine, or my boyfriends friends, they arent half bad either :)
ive been told that.
im sure hes been told that he could do better than me too, but in my eyes, only me and tristian could possibly be the judges of that.
who is this??
aw! thank you, i totally couldnt be hahahaha. please message me on facebook so i know who this is! and dont ever be nervous to talk to me, no matter who you are!
hahahahahhahahhahh whaaaaat?
first of all, im way too short and awkward to be a model, secondly never in my life have i ever thought of being a model, or wanted to, and thirdly, if your referring to my pictures on facebook, not one of them is a modelish picture. thanksbye.
shes so awesome, dunno how cause her brothers a huge f** ;)
nshes always there for me and im so glad that we get to talk every now and then because it always helps a bit. shes also hilarious and absolutely gorg. :)
i dont have cable so right now, my cat is my fave entertainment.
not sure what your talking about.
no... its not a question ...
well, considering your asking this question anonymous, thats not possible..................
and we're not hiring, i dont even get enough hours as it is.
His name is Tristian.. also my bestfriend tbh :)
who is this anyways..
a kid named anthony.....
ahhhhh boy.
who is this!!!
thank you :)
what do you consider weird ;)
who is this!?
lets say, questions that arent really questions, just people trying to be mean.
oh why thank you :) by any chance, would this happen to be the lovely sarah spizz?
i try not to regret anything ,like they say, at one point it was exactly what you wanted right?
however, i will share, i regret taking university math ;)
thanks so much :o who are you!
i miss her so much, and makes me so sad when i know that shes hurting. she should realize that she can always come to me for anything in the world that she would ever need, someone to talk to, somewhere to stay. ill always be there for twinface. :)
i don't know who this is but happiness isnt always easy.
hahahah dunno who this is but i try (:
thats exciting. hi.
a hundred duck sized horses. id deffs be keeping one.
id say