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Emily Johnstone


Ask me anything you like anonymously

177 Replies

does anton turaev smoke weed?

lol I actually don't know the answer to that in all honesty, its not really the topic of our conversations haha

EmleeKate replied 4180 days ago

Hey, It's Paul. I've got a girlfriend now, if you're keen x

lets never speak of last night again brennan. our car made a pact. we shall all go to the grave with that. deal? good. because i dont want to talk about it ever again (;

EmleeKate replied 4180 days ago

Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer

im a facebook girl, but i think twitter is cooler. #wishingihadenoughdaytodayswag #notsavvyenough

EmleeKate replied 4182 days ago

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

Listening to good music in the sun in a beautiful place by myself <3 Summer makes me so happy , words dont even describe.

EmleeKate replied 4188 days ago

How did you and your best friend meet?

She saw me walking my puppy and wanted to meet him (: then on the first day of high school we realized who the other person was and boom. Bffls.

EmleeKate replied 4191 days ago

Thoughts on "RENT"?

Was adorable to watch all the youngun's in a production just for them, was very proud of all of them <3 Very jelly of their budget though (; #fortoday#lowbudget#wearestillcool

EmleeKate replied 4194 days ago

I like how magazine writers aren't journalists in your eyes. It's great.

Well it all depends on what you are writing about and I don't think fashion and life classes as journalism to many journalists (;

EmleeKate replied 4194 days ago

you have such a cute Smile, but i don't like journalists :(

Hahaha this is adorable, but I actually want to write for magazines (;

EmleeKate replied 4194 days ago

You're pretty cute ;) x

Oh well shank youu :)

EmleeKate replied 4194 days ago

If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?

world peace. end world hunger......create a way to eat absolutely anything without ever gaining weight....

EmleeKate replied 4196 days ago

What's your biggest turn-on?

Nice guys, look at my ex's haha......... its an unconscious thing but yeaaaah. i clearly have a thing for the nice dudes.

EmleeKate replied 4196 days ago

What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?

I don't own anything worth much but my Mummy would get everything. She could do with it what she wanted but she is easily the person I care most about.

EmleeKate replied 4199 days ago

It wasn't 'Bren' who asked. It's someone else

oh really... who is it then? (;

EmleeKate replied 4199 days ago

Why are you so damn beautiful? :P

Why are you so damn high? Seriously need to get off the drugs (;

EmleeKate replied 4199 days ago

What's long and hard and full of seamen

the titanic? except not anymore? because people died..........insensitive joke (;

EmleeKate replied 4199 days ago