Who you excited to see at school on thursday name them
No one, they all s*ck
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
y u do dis
Miss you heaps too fatty <3
Hottest guys under your year level
Dylan Giannetti and yeah that's about it ahah
What do you miss about your childhood?
How I didn't give a **** if I looked like Shrek
what's a few of your goals in life?
-Pass year 12 amazingly
-get a job that I enjoy and pays well
-find a beautiful husband and have kids
-build a house
And yeah that's my life goals
Best parties you went to in 2014
Thomas Hernfield's anddd also Tyler's
cant remember what else
Why are you no longer married to that guy
cause i deserve better, still love the kid but its no good one sided
one of my favourite people, get on so well and always have a laugh and be stupid hahah love you to bits you hotty, also she got dem sideniggas lined up people
Name the guys you think your friends would be cute with.
what the hell haha my friends ? someone likes one of them i see, inbox me
Hooked up with lukas perryman not long ago did yah?
sure did, what of it
What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?
nothing really, only thing is i wish some would put more effort in
Brian Arevalo
Sean albert
Joel potter
Kill **** marry?
Kill all lel I don't know who they are soz
Thoughts on Vanessa pereira
Use to be good friends, nice girl very pretty x
You spud do my thoughts E> lucaspapoulis
A marshmallow who knows how to strut like Kurt Coleman <3
What is your ringtone?
default iphone one hahah fk having a crazy, annoying as **** ringtone
The most expensive item you own?
Um nothing hahah idk probs my shoes
What's up?
Nothing much, just laying here
I honestly cannot get over how beautiful you are.
naw thanks xx
What do you like about the person you dating?
I like how invisible he is, turns me on
Emma is a bird. fly away birdy fly
I shall fly high in the sky
constantly changing your profile picture to get more likes is actually sad
Oh totes, but no I get sick of it so I change it bro lol maybe you should stop paying so much attention to me and live your own depressing life xoxo
you are literally gorgeous
Naw thanks xoxo
do you have a gap?
yep, a gap in my stomach! HUNGRRRYYYY AS
are you doing deb?
Nahh, don't want to, not for me
Who would you take a bullet for?
not taylor bonatooo
How was your first kiss like ?
really nice :)
Thoughts on Declan Bishop?
I don't actually have anything against him but he needs to be alittle nicer to us and get over steph
what did you do last friday night?
why is vonda so amazing?
ommmg i know aye ! **** shes just so cool
i like her
that's a broad statement, be more specific pls
y u sit thur
bcause i lyk it thur
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
what's clothing? i go nude
Can you please upload a photo of the avocado that you bought?
sorry, ate it http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KfrfQbdJUfE/TcFPywr9qII/AAAAAAAAEgA/-O67GWTKS4c/s320/Ugly+Man.jpg
i think its actually you tbhhh
who is your bestfriend you can tell everything too?
I have a few; Hannah, Maria, Taylor, Steph, Soph, and Bec xoxo
What have u done this weekedn anything exciting ;)?
well I went down to the supermarket to buy avocado,
do you like to s*ck ****? ;)
Not as much as you do Taylor, don't worry its alright ;)
Is it a bird, or a plane..
Its Emma Bird
The one and only ;)
What do you think about the most?
my cats
Who are your closets friends?
Taylor Bonatoo
Steph Grizancic
Sophie Walker
Rebecca Murray
Hannah Ward
Maria Martin
andd morreeeeee
gurllll you are so *exy like i love you.. from the *exiest ranga know.. ps you still need to show me the hucca (its to hard to spell dont judge me)
Naw i love you ! the haka will soon be taught, just you wait ;D
How do you feel about dating exes?
exes my as* #soalone
wanna go to deb with me ?? :)
not goinngg
Your all just jealous you lifeless people
Emma and Steph aren't ****s And for **** sake shut up about Declan Steph doesn't give a **** about him and babe you can be next in line to be ****ed behind a shed how romantic 👌
ahhh i love you hahahah
girlfriend me? :)
sure thing
You and steph are known as the biggest ****s going around sfx
Your reputation has gone so bad since you started hanging with her
Thought you were innocent
lol, i havent even had my first kiss yet so what are you going on about and there are bigger ****s at our school than steph people are just too scared to say anything. btw wanna know a secret, i dont give a **** want people think as long as im happy with who im around and i have more friends then just steph if your wondering
Is Steph your best friend? She's beautiful
One of them :) and yeah she is beautiful x
Your smart you were right your not gonna be a banjo playing hobo you monkeyyyy <3
trust me you will be walking down the street in 10 years and opps there i am with the banjo
I love you Emma the bird guess who? ;)
i love you tooooo :3 .. gomezzz?
Top 5 friends??? Be honest!!!:)
i dont have a top 5 friends, i lovee all my friendss equally <3
but if i had to choose it would be
1.you anon
2.my bed
5. more food
Hi how are you today? :)
uhhh im alright thanks, you? :)
Let's f*** ye!?
hahahah yeah nah
oh hai sham agn, i luv u o inbox mi thxx babb xox =-]=]=
omgodddd hahahhaha
Shamal you be slaying ;)
omg that was so gay shamal
et is!!! =]=]=] stop deny bbbbb =]=]=]
I asked him hahahahahah
bby gurl u r mii lyfe =]=]=]=]==]]]]=]=]=]=]=]=]==]=]=]=] ~sham
HAHAHA I know this isn't shamal hahhaha poor shamal
I wrote you a songg emz, for you my luff! from Shamal...... "babe u b da oly 1 4 mi, babe we like 1 2 3 we just workk babe beee OOOOOOooooooOO BABE ooo I makin yaa scream steal ya heart babeeyyyyyy. wrote this to u emms babe with love" wot u think =]=]=]
Our luv is too strong, I wil neva left u bbab! xx =]==]=]=]=
omgoddddddd HAHHAHA
SRS EM, I'm starten to not luf u! in[] ME! jesuus I ned u in mi lyffff xox =]=]==]]]=]=]=][=]
go awayyyyy
is me not ya friends, I call yu ems coz i luf you lyk ya friends doo, nd my inbox is fkd so plz jus bow me!!! =]=]=]=]=]=-]-]-]-]-]- xxxoooixxxxxsvfsfdbv bgjhn
HAHAHAHHAHA this is a load of bullshi* HAHAHAH but funny too
srs ems (i cal u dat caus i luv u babe) please jus inbox mi! =[=[
omg its one of my friends isn't it HAHAHA not many people call me ems. so who is it? if it really is you then inbox me
SHAMAL!!!! =[=[=[=[=[=[
IM SHAMAL!!!!11111!!!1 =[
nah seriously, who are you?
i cant halp it, stap laffing ==[
oh wow, who are you?
are u laffing bcoz mi willy is small? [==[
i can get wired in bed =]
its shamal! =]=]=]=]
meow cactus
this is getting really weird haha
is dat a yis bcoz u breakin mi hart =[=[=[=[
seriously who is this really? hahahah
so wat do u say to bein mi gf? =]=]=]=]]=]=]=]=
But our luv makes sense
hahah oh course
bcoz i luv u
that doesn't make sense
y wont u inbox mi my luv?
y wont u
I fink you shoulda in BOx mi babe heeeehee xx =]=]=]=
oh for sure
ill give yu mi shmall D
3" strong =]]=]=]
ill take u on da dinna date wif da curry =]=]=]=]=]=]
cant wait
ill cook u sum curry if u beleve mi =]=]=]=]
mi luv 4 u is infinit =]=]=]=]
lovely haha
i luv u emma, i srs aboot dis
y dont u beleve me? im telling tha truth [=[[[=[=[=[=[=[=
cause so many people would say that hahah
it is mee =]=]=
that's nice
inbox mi, its shamal =]
It really is me, Shamal. i lov u =]=]=]=]
hahahahha sure it is
It's Shamal, will you go out with me?
haha bullshi*
Your really cute
honestly, do you think you're hot? (:
honestly, no hahah
to the Bit**es who say your ugly are dumdums, love you long time -jaimee xoxoxo
aw love you jaimeeee <3 xo
i said from 1 to 10 XD not ha's
why do you want to know?
Harry wu is so se*i dont you think?
who the fudgeballs is harry wu? hahahahah