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Emma wilson



573 Replies

I love you and kyle together hope your finally happy emma i really do..

I don't know who this is but please inbox or text me.
thank you so much xx

Emma.xo replied 2987 days ago

e + k


Emma.xo replied 2987 days ago

Hows fcking jack going hahah

Your so funny because ive never had $ex hahahahahah

Emma.xo replied 2987 days ago

not bringing him up but jack misses you and he is telling everyone that he still likes you and he is sorry for what happened between you both.
What did happen?

Haha you are bringing him up but its alright honey.
You can tell him if you wants too say sorry he knows where iam everyday he can come too me and say sorry.
What happened between me and jack stays between me and him but its okay no one needs too stress x

Emma.xo replied 3064 days ago

kyle is cute

I know thanks x

Emma.xo replied 3064 days ago

Did you fck jack hahahahahah please say you didnt he is yuck and kyle is the one for you babe

Im sorry but that is funny asf, i hate him and i never even touch him lol but thank you x

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

Whats happening with you and jack now

He fcked our friendship and now i hate him lol bye.

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

Kyle and you are the fcking best thing ever

Awww, thank you x

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

I love you and kyle togther better than jack, go you.

Thank you cutie xx

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

I hope you and kyle stay together forvever girl

Thank you xx

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

Jack is such a arse hole im happy your not mates anymore.

Yeah me too man

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago



Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

Do you love kyle?

Yes xx

Emma.xo replied 3070 days ago

What do you want for xmas ?


Emma.xo replied 3126 days ago

Which song describes your mood today ?

Sound the alarms HAHAHAHAH

Emma.xo replied 3132 days ago