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I dare you ;)

44 Replies

wait what have you not used this site in a while or is the ** days ago thing wrong?

have not used it in ages. lol

EmmaManson replied 4226 days ago

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

duno bro

EmmaManson replied 4303 days ago

emma you pot


EmmaManson replied 4339 days ago

do you evan like ashleigh.

Yeah ofcourse i do. You're probobly thinking of how we insult each other and get shi*ty with each other really easy, thats because we spend so much time together. Oh and when we insult each other we are joking, we just find it funny how we call each other "fat slu*" or whatever.

EmmaManson replied 4341 days ago

y u hate shyane 4 ?

Depends which cheyanne! Haha, i dont like Cheyanne meng-fincher because shes f***ing rude, and i dont like Cheyanne B-vine because she slept with my best riends boyfriend! :)

EmmaManson replied 4344 days ago 1

f*** your ugly

Yeah, And who the f*** are you so i can judge you back.

EmmaManson replied 4345 days ago

bird nosed Bit**

hard bro

EmmaManson replied 4346 days ago

When you die, if you could choose, which way would you go? :O


EmmaManson replied 4347 days ago

in your photos your handing a smoke or drink, like wtf are you trya prove ? Wastedyouth.xoxo

whats up. im not trying to prove anything, i smoke so what? my choice? and my other photos with drinks are with my friends , and thats the only times i take pictures with them, when im "wasted". your usuername "wastedyouth", what are you trying to prove? :)

EmmaManson replied 4347 days ago 5

acidbcilabdscbasdijcansd guees what homo??????????????? yoo gay ....

ACID. mwhehe. *guess *you. oh cute ;3

EmmaManson replied 4347 days ago



EmmaManson replied 4347 days ago

yeeeeh beach house playing games and eating food gangster xxxxxxxx

and a v8 and we go vroooommmm xxx

EmmaManson replied 4348 days ago

do u like pringels im eating pringels Ashleigh.pool

Far Bit** oh shi*

EmmaManson replied 4349 days ago

who is your valentine?

my boyfriend<3

EmmaManson replied 4349 days ago

do you hate fake Bit**es

no not at all, infact i love them, one of them is a chick called asheigh pool, cake face pesant

EmmaManson replied 4349 days ago 1