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My ex.
Mm well an inbox may help your situation. And I do like to study I am pretty nerdy :)
Being a person
Everything that could possibly make me upset has made me upset lately. I am just a sad sad person most of the time
Thanks heaps! A positive Mind makes a positive life and that's my plan
I have no friends to describe me lel
On a positive note :)
Idk like 2. Stop making me think about life decisions pls.
There's more to life than boys! Don't let them ruin your life
I beg your pardon. I usually have sultana bran anyway.
Why thank you annon
Why thank you annon
Why thank you :) my arse is too big to model but if it wasn't it would definitely be something id like to do
Honesty after everything I have been through I just want to be happy. Nothing else matters anymore
I don't own anything expensive lol. Except maybe my dignity
Do a lot of fcking shopping. I have no boyfriend and I'm miserable but at least I have nice clothes to wear
Love you too xx
Haha I wish someone was jealous of me! Thanks though
My voice is a joy to other peoples ears
It's nice to know people actually think my life is worth something. Thank you anon for your kind words! I could never physically hurt myself and therefore will not be committing suicide any time soon. You are also amazing xx
Thanks anon, you're a kind person. I wish I could ignore others opinions of me but unfortunately I am only human xx
I wish I thought I was amazing, thank you though xx
Thanks ash, some people don't understand how what they say can hurt others xx
Don't know her very well but she's really nice and I think she's pretty :) always willing to have a chat to me at work which brightens my day
Wow, literally the worst night to say this. I already want to die if that makes you feel any better.
Actually form done social relationships and get a life besides constantly sleeping all day
You're very welcome gorgeous girl xx
It's not really anyone's business tbh. Sometimes it's just not meant to be, even if you really want it to last forever. Still think he's an amazing person though. No hate between us
Think she's a lovely girl and very beautiful - too beautiful it's actually unfair. I wish I had friends like she does and looks like she has a pretty fun life definitely get along with her when I do talk to her. Wish I knew her better though
Obviously myself.
Always been really nice to me the times I have talked to her even though I don't know her very well. She's cute too, her selfie game on Insta is 10/10. Definitely seems like a girl I would get along with
I'm a virgin lel
I don't really like anyone tbh. But I wouldn't have $ex with a girl if that's what you mean.
Oh okay. I'm always up for friendships but not exactly looking for more than that at the moment. Need some me time after my last epic fail of a relationship. Sorry anon
I don't like boys anymore I'm scared of them
I'm Always up for making new friends :) and thank you xx
Aww why thank you anon :) should hit me up with an inbox and we can catch up
Oh Sarah, I absolutely love her! Couldn't ask for a better friend. She's so honest and supportive of everything I do and I don't know how I could've survived the last two years without her. Don't see her as much as I like but our friendship is still the best thing I could've asked for. Love you girl xxx
To finish uni and become a teacher, marry someone rich and buy everything I've ever wanted lel. Oh and happiness would probs be good.
Probably my little sister trinity, I love her more than life itself
I have more than one best friend, it's hard to just have one when all you're friends are amazing!
Wow thank you love love all round xxx
Prob do anything for $20 lol #unilyf
Prob no one lol. Nah my family, or one of my besties
Teacher! Absolutely loving uni and can't wait to finish my course and teach :)
If you're better looking than me, I probably hate you.