There is a gecko ? crawling on your head
Thanks tim
How many Sotte do u know
I dont know them personally but i know of a good half of them?? what a random A$$ question
Dude what if the cup size that person was asking about was associated with beverages? Hot choc in a giant mug. That's my answer.
The only right answer
Me me biiiiig boy
Issa spicy meat-a-ball
What is your cup size
-36 G
I don't feel so good
Mr Stark, i dont wanna go ?
I imagine you being a pastors wife one day :)
No thanks
I imagine you being a pastor one day
Is it true that every year we go back history class will have more and more work
Does every potato end up becoming mashed potato and someone stomach
I hate mashed potatoes sies
Most of my friends write full sentences in emojis does that mean that English is reverting back to hieroglyphics
The past is repeating itself
Should McDonalds say no to obese people?
Thats discrimination
Did God give us shins to find furniture in the dark?
Thats deep man
What would you do if you died, and reborn into a gecko?
I would commit suicide
If you had a cat, what would you name it
Legend of Zelda?
Its dangerous to go alone take this ?
What made you happy today? 100+
Being with my family ?
What makes you happy?
That toast gif made me cringe so heavily
You're welcome ;)
As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?
Which movie do you regret watching and why ?
The new mummy movie cause it had nothing to do with the originals and even if it did it would never be able to live up to them.
Why do apples grow from trees
Oh you must be confused, this place isn't google
Your greatest accomplishment?
My grade 6 academic award lol rip
Omg!! Cool! Can you get her to tell him that he has lots of SA fans! How does she know him?
Haha sure thing anonymous, I'll try to get the message through. Not too sure about the specifics of how they met x
this “curious” guy is annoying me
don’t need no qooh me to tell you you’re a cutie
Aw thanks
What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?
Didnt flush their poop
Omg, was that ur cousin Robyn in joe sugg’s Instagram?
Lol yeah
Plans for 2018?
To be more positive and to spread more happiness
because im curious
Well im also curious, to who you are
this is me sending you a qooh
How kind of you
What is the furthest you have ever gone with a guy?
What did your last relationship teach you?
That I will be single forever cause Ive never had one lol
Y the unfollow thou
Who is dis
What is the longest running lie you have continued to tell?
That i have friends
Brag about yourself. What are you really good at doing?
Why do you think people like/hate you?
I make fun of myself alot so thats probably the only reason why people like me??
Sup shrek
What are you doing in ma swamp
What if Shrek doesn't enjoy tea or consulting detectives Uncle Benny????
How dare you say such things
Whos ur favourite actress ? Oh and ur head looks like a speckled potato
Emma Watson ?
And thank you
Ur head looks like a speckled potato
Thank you
If you can guess who this is, then you can be my sherlock
Im everyones sherlock.????
What needs to stop ?
Endless projects and homework
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
Its lit ?
why are you amazing ?
Because I can recite every line from any Sherlock episode or Austin Powers movie
Who do you want to be like when your older?
My cousin robyn ?
You look like a baby and you smell like one too
What? ?
The secret to a good friendship is... ?
Shrek ?
What's the most expensive thing you own?
My camera ?
What would you do if you had no fear ?
Skydiving ?
When were you the most happy and why?
2 hours ago when I was sleeping ?
Why are you single?
Because im not in a relationship
What are you bad at ?
Dancing ?
What would you do if someone randomly hugs you?
Depends really ?
If its a random person in the middle of the street who i dont know then ill probably try and run away ?
But if its a friend or someone who i enjoy being around i guess i dont mind ??
You are amazing inside and out, love you girl
Aww thank you ❤❤❤❤
Banana or pizza pie?
Pizza pie ?
Khan you?
I khant be RUSHED like this
What do you want the most right now?
What do you want for your birthday
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Boom Shaka Laka
Who irritates you the most ?
Michael Pollet ?
To Y or not to Y
That is the question ?
Do you worship satan
I am satan ?
When do you know you're in love?
Like id know ????????
Mirror mirror on the wall, which guy has the dankest memes of them all?
Celion Dion ?✨
What is something you need to get off your chest?
What is on your mind?
I want some bacon pancakes
What is in your pocket right now?
*thinks of the hobbit reference* ??
Why are you happy today?
Im happy most of the time ?
Did u go to paarl athletics
Nah I went home
What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?
Which country are you from and which country would you like to visit ?
From SA and would love to visit England ???
Which word have you started using a lot lately ?
Endospam Wodonga ??
I got beans greens tomatoes potatoes
No not this ?
Who do you fancy? ?
I fancy many things ???
I was forced
May the force be with you
That wasn't a funny story
Oh yeah you're right, your face is way funnier
Tell me a funny story
Hannah wants to stab me but she has no idea where I am lol
Would you rather eat dog throw up or your teachers butt juice
Sorry but I'm underage
Can you do English or can you rather do jumping jacks
WoT yoU talKin boUt mAte
What do u think of pineapples rubbed upagainstfloorbo ards
Ooolala ?
I am just a juicy jubulent jangloo
BABYS !!! are !1! Small fragile people ? So are sensitive and fragile people just BIG BABIES !!! PRObabyly
!BABIES ARe 1!1! The futUre ! oF the worLd as wE knoW it 1!1!1!!1!1
I think you are a frog with a sparky hat on