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Emily Gorey


Ask away

16 Replies

Why stand up for brook? She's a **** and a sook Ahahahah

She's not a **** or a sook she's my friend and I will back her up when she needs me to and she's got guts unlike you she puts her name to her statements, so who's the sook now, anon?

EmmyG22 replied 3840 days ago 1

Haha your hair cut. :')

Say what you want about it I didn't cut it to impress you I cut it for me

EmmyG22 replied 3840 days ago 2

Your new haircut really suits you! :)

Thank you :)

EmmyG22 replied 3841 days ago 1

How's about everyone shut their mouths and play nice on here? I highly doubt that any of you people have the guts to come off anon and say this **** to Emily xx oxBrookexo

Thanks Brooke xx They don't know how to play nice, or have any guts at all!

EmmyG22 replied 3841 days ago 2

Are you a female dog coz u sure know how to be a ***** to everyone

Possibly. But it's only because I have spent to much time here with you people! And toughen up sweetie you sound like a sook, and you can't go through life crying over the people who got sick of people like you and turned into a *****

EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago 1

Are you fuc ken kidding me all you guys all are pathetic Jasmin.e.k

Yeah they sure are, they wouldn't have the balls to say all that if their wasn't an anonymous option

EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago

You don't even know how this is?

I don't want to know, because I have more important people to give a **** too

EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago 1

Current mood?


EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago

Shrek called, he said he wants his face back sl ut

I know he called me first but I told him I lent it to you because your actual face is so horrible that's why you got the call... Sl ut

EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago

You're a fat ***** that acts like you're better than everyone. Grow the **** up, PS. Your face looks munted and you have **** t***

Thank you I don't like to starve myself like silly twigs, I don't act like I am better then everyone else I'm just being myself unlike you. I have my whole life to grow up so not right now thank you. If my face and t*** are so bad stop looking :)

EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago

Your a mole

Thank you :)

EmmyG22 replied 3847 days ago

had *ex before?

Is that all you people think about whether someone is a virgin or not?

EmmyG22 replied 3856 days ago

Who inspires you?

People don't inspire me stories do, so books all the way

EmmyG22 replied 3857 days ago

Have you had *ex?

Whether I tell you I have or I haven't we both know your gunna think your assumption is right because that's what barham people do, they just assume, not get the facts so you can go right on assuming and guessing sweetie

EmmyG22 replied 3857 days ago 1

hello miss emmi whats all this about

Hello this is a site where you anonymously ask people questions :)

EmmyG22 replied 3860 days ago