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Ask me anything you like anonymously

7 Replies

What have you learned today?

I learnt my kids can still amaze me!

EmmyLea replied 4045 days ago

What do you think people think of you?

I think a lot of people think I'm a ***** lol. I'm too straight forward and often don't consider other peoples feelings before I speak. I don't like having to censor everything I say because others are so easily offended.

EmmyLea replied 4047 days ago

Are you a boys girl or a girls girl?

I don't understand the question... Um do I prefer boys or girls? As in gay or straight, well I'm straight, so I prefer the company of my partner. As in boys or girls with friendship, I think I prefer the company of boys. Girls ***** too much and I'm not a girly girl, so I fail in a lot of girly girl conversations...

EmmyLea replied 4047 days ago

Food or alcohol?

Mmmm.... Neither! No, food over alcohol. I can't stand drinking alcohol, especially with having the kids. I have been alcohol free for almost 5 years.

EmmyLea replied 4047 days ago

Hairy or shaved

Ahh, in between I guess. I usually trim it with a bikini line razor thingy lol!

EmmyLea replied 4047 days ago

You have to have *ex with one, who do you choose: an Orc, gollum or one of those trees that walk around?

PMSL! I wonder who would ask this?! Well, I guess it depends on what kind of Orc, the Orthanc orcs were a bit ugly, but some of the Urik-Hai were alright... If I shut my eyes, I could pretend it was a big black guy. Gollum, no way! Too skinny and scrawny. And I think an Ent's junk might be a bit big... Even after pushing two kids out...

EmmyLea replied 4048 days ago

The thing you want the most this Xmas?

I'd love a proper massage! One that makes you fall asleep and goes for hours! I've never had one!

EmmyLea replied 4048 days ago