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She knows exactly who she is. I just hope nobody will endure a relationship with someone like that.
Happily taken by the aweesomest girl evar! :P
Nope, cause I am currently still burdened with a Kakberry :|
I won't give out anything I can't change, so it doesn't bother me much :)
Abs are coming along well :) Just cut down on food, which is merely impossible :(
Yes, and by someone incredibly selfish.
Hmmm, I can't really some it up. But I love it when a girl can hold a conversation, who can joke and sees the positive in everything. A girl with ambition, determination and one who stands up for what is right, I find incredibly attractive. What I'll most likely love about her, is how comfortable she is in her own skin and how she has a desire to learn and grow, not only with me but within aspects of her own life :)
The chasing is done. I'm going to work on keeping her now :P
What bums me out most about a girl is when she's attractive but is completely vain about it. And she has a blank personality to match. If she can't handle some randomness from time to time, then she's just gonna judge me waaaay too much.
Yes, if I actually stand a chance at snatching :/ Else I'll just be wasting my energy and effort.
Okay, when I get bummed out in general I just back away. There is no point in sticking around for more disappointment. Unless there is potential for change, then I might just stay abit longer :)
Depends on who you are. Being a girl means you got a 50% chance atleast :P
What do you mean though? By a girl or in general?
Uhhhh, nope. I cuddle with my guy friends and share beds with em but that's pretty much it ey. If a pipi even pokes me by accident, the guy better run :| I hope that answers your question enough :P
That's a no brainer. Sleep :P
Majority of the time, she's incredibly attractive but has the personality of a brick wall. Call me shallow, and I'll admit to that but if I gotta fish out a conversation out of someone then that's just boring. Plus, they tend to put themselves on a high platform, and I won't deal with girls who think they have everyone wrapped around their finger.
She should know by now who she is :P
I think most relationships don't work out because they rush into it. Yeah the person is attractive but nobody ever takes the time to connect with anyone anymore. Cause only in time will you realise if you're compatible with someone, and if you just rush into it, you might just be wasting your time with the wrong person and missing out on someone amazing.
The girl I intially had my eyes on, turned out to be a bummer. But I'm getting to know someone now...and she's pretty awesome :)
Hmmm, my height and occasional lack of social skills :|
Honestly...I really don't know. If I were to date now, then it'll take a looooong time for me to be serious. Dating is an option, but it won't be with just anyone.
I don't think too much about it, but sometimes I just get the vibes from someone. Or it's blatantly obvious. But I'll only know for sure when they tell me :P
Uuuuhhhhh, how do you plan on doing that? :|
That's my main target. I won't stop till it's chiseled as ferk.
I would tell them that we should meet and give ourselves the opportunity to get to know each other. Knowing someone, and having met someone already affects the type of friendship/relationship that you'll have with them. I wouldn't say yes, but as time passes and we frequently hang out, things might change :)
Cause I don't wanna be tied down right now. I would rather establish myself and have fun than settle down and have nothing to fall back on.
Still working on it. It's getting there though :P And thank you :)
Yes, but I don't believe that it's for everyone. For some people, it works out. But for the unfortunate few, the pain is too much to endure. So I shall stop rambling now... :P
Oooooh, rawr ;)
No, I'm not. I was and still will be faithful in every one of my relationships. What's the point in being in a relationship if you're gonna play around. Might as well stay single.
Heehee! Ha ha! You ah sow fuhnny :|
Ha ha ha. I would love to, but I respect her too much to complicate things. I guess being too nice is somewhat of a disadvantage.
Yesh yesh yesh! Thus, I have not allowed myself to show excitement. Cause the minute it blows in your face, I get sad :( And sad is No No.
Yes, I wouldn't mind that at all. Just wouldn't want any awkwardness or unnecessary expectations, cause that'll just spoil the whole point of having fun.
Yes, I have a gay friend :P
If it's a really close friend, I'd say "I love you more nyiggah!" :P But if you meant that Q in a serious way, then there is not much I can do but be honest with them. I'll find it difficult to say "I don't love you back" but I'd rather tell them how brave they were to tell me that, and that I don't see them as being more than just friends. Cause it wouldn't be fair to lead someone on.
Hey ***** :P When am I seeing your ***** as* again? :|
Thank you for the encouragement, anonymous :) *hugs*, I'm buying you a dictionary for your birthday.
Well, if they've hurt you and did it intentionally, I would consider them a fake friend. Someone who cares about you wouldn't want to hurt you, but at the same time, people make mistakes. Friends make mistakes, but true friends stick around and fight for the friendship. I realised that friends don't act the way you want them to, but whenever you are with them, all the problems fade away. I hope that gives you some clarity.
Hi, Crazy Over You. I'm Jeanesse :P Really though, who are you? :)
My favourATE colour is navy blue and red :)
I can't say. Not until she knows it first :)
In all honesty, I hope so. But she seems happy with someone now, and I don't wanna complicate that. But I'm content with being around her, even if it means being the friendzone in the meantime :P I'll just go with the flow and see what unfolds :)
I apologize for my insensitive comment. I didn't realize that you didn't have one either.
I'll assume that you're a straight dude with a small **** who hates on lesbians because he can't find a girl of his own. Listen dude, I am not a waste. I could be really good for someone. It won't be a guy, but love is love. Stop being so selfish cause not everyone is for you.
Uhhh, the team that wins? Jokes, I like rooting for the underdog :)
How *exy :P Uhhh...thanks? *blush*
Currently...yes I do. Both of my eyes :P
Dang, that's a tricky question. Uhhh, I'd rather lose all my current memories so I can create new ones. I'll be like a blank canvas, but atleast I'll have people in my life who will remind me of those memories. Cause not being able to create new memories only means that I'll be living the same life everyday and I won't be able to embrace the changes in the world around me. So like...yah :P
It ended because life happens. People change, priorities change and things ended up being too much at the time. I still care for her deeply, but I will not allow myself to be brought back into that state again. Life is about moving on, and it's about time that I did that.
If you want me to bite you, all you gotta do is ask :P
Having enough money means having more money than you can count...
Take a shower with your pants on and all you gotta do is stand there. It works wonders :P
If you feed me too much water, I might be desperate enough to use your toilet :| I hope that answers your question :P
Putting my hand in the cookie jar :|
...And I cannot lie! You other brothers can't deny! When a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get sprung! *I don't know the rest*
Not enough (0_o)
Every egotistical ***hole on Earth :)
Miss you too my frendo!! Miss your craziness and randomness and tallness and wackness and awesomeness and alles! Love you flendo and we should chill again *hugs then motorboats* :P
Thanks :) Hopefully not a bad one though *facepalm*
Uhhhh...Hi? (0_o)
Hi Roxy :) I'm Jeanesse. Vell, I used to be emo. I still have alittle bit of emo in me though :P
You can leave me your name, number and bbm pin and we can start chatting :)
I sing for who ever is watching them :P
You can call me corny, but I'd rather talk like an honest person than some jerk who tries to be hardcore. Call me soft, corny or whatever...but that is how I feel :)
I'll get one soon, hopefully next month :) I think it's time to join the club :)
So you're saying that it's my fault that they 'fall for me'? I offered comfort and advice, and only that because I know they have a girlfriend that will give them whatever else they need. It's easy for you to look from the outside and judge, but you don't know a damn thing. Clearly you're gullible because you believe whatever you've been told and you're probably too lazy to find out the truth anyway. Whether they were vulnerable or not, I held my ground as a friend, and offered nothing more than that. If they saw me as more than a friend, then it's not my fault. If you're still not entirely convinced, then you can ask all you want...
Yeah, we should meet up and play Ching Chong Cha, or RingaRosey or some clappy clappy game :)
I went to Sunnyridge Primary School :)
Thank you :) But maybe if you could tell me who you are, then we can find out if we've met before :)
Hehe, that is actually pretty funny because that was what people were led to believe. If you really took the time to find out every side of the story, you would think differently about what you asked. I don't like stealing my friends girlfriends. I dont make it a mission to mess things up. I actually tried to support the relationship, but if my friend's girlfriend happens to run to me for comfort or advice, who am I to turn the other cheek? Before you judge me on what you've heard, take the time to find out the truth...then maybe you will understand why things turned out the way they did.
Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment :)
That is a tricky question. But breaking hearts isn't a fun thing to do. It is never a deliberate intention. Sometimes it doesn't work out or one side just isn't willing to commit. It is only fair to be in a relationship where two people want to be with each other, instead of being with someone who stays out of pity. I don't intentionally break hearts, I just believe that they deserve someone who deserves them, and it wouldn't be fair if I knew that they would waste their time with me.
Thats okay :) Perhaps things didn't work out for a reason :) (even though I dont know who you are)
wdytia? Well...maybe a baby that didnt learn how to spell yet?
Uhh, the name is not familiar though...but maybe I've seen her bafore :)
Yebo! Though I havent had the chance to play any of them...I'm a big fan of Tomb Raider though :P
No regrets turn out good...but they often reveal things about yourself and other people. Whether it influenced you in a good or bad way depends entirely on the situation. I learnt alot from what the regrets have left me to experience...and I think I know who you are.
Well, just told me now :P
Unfortunately not...yet ;)
Well, high school can be a cruel place but its who you allow yourself to be influenced by. It's not about fitting in, although many will disagree, but its about discovering yourself. If you cant find a group that will accept you for who you are, then maybe you're worth more than they offer. I survived high school by being myself. I've tried to fit in, but was always pushed out. The minute you tell yourself that school is about your journey, then ties you have with other people will be less important. Just be yourself :)
Uhhh, maybe I didnt learn how to be tall?
There is no such thing as living life without leaving the scars from mistakes and regrets. I have hurt people in my life, whether it be intentional or not...but I have always tried to make peace with them. It's enough of a burden to think 'what if?', but looking back on things now...if things were meant to happen, then 'regrets' have led us to where we are today. And we have to accept what we cant change :)
Hehehe, yeah I do:) The question pretty much gave it away:P
Uhhh...we could sit down and say Amen?
Yes I am. Sure, we can talk for advice and what ever may be on your mind, we could share opinions and learn from each other's experiences:)
I live in South Africa:) Hmm, I think South African girls are diverse and they are so much more accepting of what happens in society. They are open-minded and are strong, independant personalities. In other words...South African girls are just plain cool:)
Hmm...I don't know ey. Some of them have given me 'the look' but none has come to me face-to-face and cursed me with the hater attitude. Wait...does my answer make sense? (0_o)
Take a wild guess...and Ima tell you if you're hot or cold:)
Well...uhh...females? Uhh...hmm...yes, absolutely:)
Iron Brew. The other cooldrinks give me a rather gaseous effect, ya'knw;)
No because you never know if they will ever spit a sense of truth. But I would be a liar to say that I haven't lied. So all is fair:)