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Dont be rude .⚡

111 Replies



Erin_020 replied 2181 days ago

Who eats sesame seeds

Jhustine for facts ???

Erin_020 replied 2194 days ago

Ding that’s very the sound of the elevater dropping coz you not on my level???????

I love it . Jhustine I love that dry joke ?????

Erin_020 replied 2194 days ago

I love you kid ❤ skye_04

Awww skye I love u too❤❤I will forever and eveeeer????

Erin_020 replied 2194 days ago

What are your thoughts on shaquille and his dumb friend lithemba

Omw omw
They cool people???

Erin_020 replied 2194 days ago

bruv u are so two faced to tara for real☀

Probs the two faced btch herself talking here?

Erin_020 replied 2274 days ago

Who is jhistines crush

My mom??

Erin_020 replied 2274 days ago

Thoughts on Hannah Lee

Best friend?//animal???❤

Erin_020 replied 2275 days ago

Which boy do u find annoying

Oh theres lots anoymous??

Erin_020 replied 2275 days ago

Who do u think is the cutest boy

My crush durrr✌

Erin_020 replied 2275 days ago

Who of the boys do u think gives the best hugs

Shaqulle ??

Erin_020 replied 2275 days ago

Jy is beeldskoon en ek dink net jy is blind in n manier want daar is iemand in ons skool wat jou alles will gee en elke keer as hy virby jou loop kyk jy nie eers vir hom nie en jy judge hom seker die heel tyd

Minta type eng not afrikaans neh next time shap??

Erin_020 replied 2283 days ago

Who made your life sm better this year?


Erin_020 replied 2283 days ago

Is Jhistine lit or not

Not skrrrr

Erin_020 replied 2283 days ago

Your pretty!!!

Dankie x

Erin_020 replied 2283 days ago