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Ethan Cox


Ask me anything you like anonymously

102 Replies

you & Kaitya dating ?

Haha no, we just friendsss

EthanCox replied 3843 days ago

cocky **** arnt ya

Not sure if rude, or trying to make a pun with my last name....

EthanCox replied 3843 days ago

Who do you find hot at your work?

Liam Woods <3

EthanCox replied 3843 days ago

The worst thing that happend to you this week?

Malboro killed me on ffx. I hadn't saved in about an hour.

EthanCox replied 3979 days ago

WHO DA **** IS SAYING THIS!!! I will find you... And when I find you... Say your prays... Because **** is going to get messy so bring a face washer! :) ily bb brett.ciddor

Haha this guy! Ily2

EthanCox replied 3983 days ago

Very! You are someone I am friends with and believe you have potential!!!!

Haha inbox me

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

It's quite ok, I'm over stupid rude people!!!!

Yeah, people are silly haha

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

Stop being such an as* to Ethan! He's such a lovely boy with such a sweet heart and is always looking out for others. So what if he's confident about what he does well. I'm sure you're cocky about something you do well makaylapaine

Hehe you're too cute, thankyou :p

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

Leave Ethan alone, he is allowed to do whatever on life and doesn't need descriminitive arseholes like you!! Get your head out of your arse and live your life and leave people alone!! Ethan is a great person!!

Haha why thankyou

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

I like you its ok people are just jealous because you have nicer feet than they do
♡ cece

Well that's understandable, my feet are pretty great!

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

I like you

Oh really?

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

U dont deserve my love :(

I guess that depends on your definition of deserving

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

was good seeing you today (: bec.donato

Yeah it was!!

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

Typical ethan. Look at me, greatest diver, greatest gymnast and greatest flipper. Who gives three ****s? I can some you up in one word "cocky".

Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel. But it is life.

EthanCox replied 3984 days ago

no one likes you

If there are other worlds out there, why did we end up on this one?

EthanCox replied 3985 days ago