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Stacee Shaw


Ask me the craziest things.

138 Replies

Most expensive thing you have?

UM. Dunno Portal gun maybe? Or consoles perhaps.

Experiment282 replied 3834 days ago

In terms of plot, which is your favourite Pokemon game of all time?

B/W had something interesting that continued on in B/Q2 in terms how savvy Ghetsis was, how he screwed his son over and the general fall into pure insanity was fascinating, but X had interesting implications, considering the fact that you've possibly been made immortal by Xerneas's energies. The fact Lysander WANTED TO KILL (nearly) EVERYONE (despite the game being rated G) was like, woah this dude is serious.

Experiment282 replied 3839 days ago

Who are you dating?

Hahahahahahaha. Funniest question.

Experiment282 replied 3839 days ago

Something you will never be good at?


Experiment282 replied 4037 days ago 1

How do you feel about dating exes?

What exes? LMAO

Experiment282 replied 4073 days ago

Which Foreign country do you dislike the most and why?

What kind of question is this?

Experiment282 replied 4081 days ago

just answer the question

I treasure my Pokemons friendship.

Experiment282 replied 4081 days ago

which pokemon would u f u c k?

Let me answer that question with another question. Did you know humans and Pokemon used to sit at the same table and at one stage indistinguishable from one another? Therefore humans are Pokemon.

Experiment282 replied 4082 days ago 1

Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Intelligence any day...since I'd be intelligent enough to be happy and to make myself look good. :)

Experiment282 replied 4092 days ago

How big is your TV?

Umm can't remember the exact size but not that big but it does it's job.

Experiment282 replied 4095 days ago

What are you wearing right now?

Chell nouveau shirt, black aperture lab hoodie and black leggings

Experiment282 replied 4102 days ago

What is missing in your life?

A boyfriend. loljks A GARDEVOIR PLUSH

Experiment282 replied 4113 days ago 1

What would you do this year If you had no fear ?

Make a good cosplay? Lol

Experiment282 replied 4116 days ago

What do you think people think of you?

That I'm a huge derp.

Experiment282 replied 4122 days ago

What is the best way to approach a girl you like?

I don't bend that way but if I did...just start a conversation, find out what you have in common and work from there. I personally get giddy over same interests that we can talk about.

Experiment282 replied 4128 days ago