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Ask me anything you like anonymously

33 Replies

What makes you happy to be alive?

s*cking dck , jk wrestling

ExplictedPunk replied 3046 days ago

Why are you a RP when you're never in character?

I only RP if I feel like it dummie.

ExplictedPunk replied 3049 days ago

Why are you ignoring the person you're ignoring right now?

Cause they're either a btch or they're annoying asf.

ExplictedPunk replied 3049 days ago

So do you really like it up the b*m? HeWhoTwerks

Yah always :)

ExplictedPunk replied 3049 days ago

why are you a fckboi


ExplictedPunk replied 3054 days ago

You should bang @FullOfDespite

She won't let me ./.

ExplictedPunk replied 3064 days ago

i hate you ugly btch

why have I ever did something to you :/

ExplictedPunk replied 3068 days ago



ExplictedPunk replied 3068 days ago

youre pretty hot irl

I try not to but thx

ExplictedPunk replied 3068 days ago

Who is Ethan?

Someone ._.

ExplictedPunk replied 3068 days ago

I'd like to see Punkys hot body and hot gigs today ;)

Ummm reveal yourself and thanks ._.

ExplictedPunk replied 3147 days ago

Fruity pebbles are better

No they're not hoe

ExplictedPunk replied 3147 days ago



ExplictedPunk replied 3159 days ago

Smooches you!


ExplictedPunk replied 3159 days ago

Hey there handsome


ExplictedPunk replied 3159 days ago