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Bissssssh fisssssh❤?
What even??????♀️
It's Fathima_1876
But i hardly use it anymore ?
I agree with u 100%?
Btw thanks ?
Do yourself a favour and ignore anyone who tells u to be yourself .Kinda bad idea in your case ?
Maybe ?
If only i could ?
Holy sh!t,did it hurt when u fell???
Okeh 1 day ?
Yes, yes indeed ?
Did u just hit your head on a rock ???
Have u seen the majority of the male population lately??
Okay thanks for understanding ?
Haha I don't wanna tell u tho
Do u really wanna know ?
Dankie ?
Yeah duhh ?
It was on the day i was born ?
Yeah it was so nice sleeping the whole day? I only came out of bed at like 2:00
I Hope I'll still be alive ??
I miss u also sh!t?
Yeah why not
Bibi Alya bed ❤❤❤
How's zizi land ? (do u still remember the answer ???)
I'm fine ?
There's sooo many
I can't describe it in words
I'm a day older than I was yesterday ?
Ha ha do u even have?
Don't really have one ?
But I would really like to become an astronaut (i wanna meet some aliens and stuff ??)
U can join me if u want ?