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Franchesca de Moura


Ask me anything you like anonymously

40 Replies

How’s architecture? Hard?

It's lit? but damn it's hard
Its not hard in the same way as engineering or accounting would be
It challenges you to think and act in ways we have never been shown how
Also such long hours?
But despite all that I'm really happy with my choice and I enjoy it so much?

FMdeM replied 2209 days ago

What about wits??

I did apply there
But not for architecture so i dont wanna go there?
Legit if i dont get in for architecture im not going to uni next year to do something else

FMdeM replied 2379 days ago

University next year? And if yes where and what do you want to study?

Yea... I've applied to Tuks and UCT for architecture? and other things (that i dont wanna do but i needed a second choice so)... So I'll have to wait and see ?

FMdeM replied 2381 days ago

Would you ever get a piercing and if so where?

I have 3 piercings on each ear lol
Maybe a nose ring or belly ring some day

FMdeM replied 2385 days ago 1

How are you so absolutely beautiful. I mean look at you. My gosh. Aphrodite the goddess of beauty has nothing on you. I mean any god of beauty has nothing on you

Bit much don't you think?? thanks though ???

FMdeM replied 2457 days ago

How are you so fcking good looking like I don't think there is a word in the dictionary for your beauty yet because I feel like it is impossible to create one, like my gosh.

Honestly, truly feel like this qooh was meant for someone else?
But thank you ?? i do appreciate it
I'm quite blind so maybe thats why i just can't see it?

FMdeM replied 2527 days ago

Plans soon please ??????????? ally_maistry

Like bruh?

FMdeM replied 2741 days ago

I misssss youu and your crazyyy soul???☺?

That's really sweet thank you?❣??

FMdeM replied 2760 days ago

What quote do you live by?

The greatest degree of inner tranquility comes from the development of love and compassion. The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater is our own sense of well-being.

- Dalai Lama

FMdeM replied 2760 days ago

What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?

A special car ride way back in Jan '16 ?

FMdeM replied 2915 days ago

Which word have you started using a lot lately ?


FMdeM replied 2977 days ago

What is something that actually offends you?

Negative things about something important to me said by the people I love the most.
Because it only hurts when you care

FMdeM replied 2995 days ago

How are you feeling right now?


FMdeM replied 3023 days ago 1

What have you never truly gotten over?

Being let down by people, by everyone at once
It kind of chips away at your faith in people every single time

FMdeM replied 3074 days ago

What's it like to be you?

As much as it gets tiring and overwhelming, if I was anyone else I wouldn't have the privilege of having the most amazing best friends that i do ❤

FMdeM replied 3074 days ago